Students Archives

Jun 02, 2016

ECU awards inaugural Humanities Scholarship

East Carolina University sophomore Garrett Yarbrough, a soon-to-be 18-year-old from LaGrange, NC, is the inaugural recipient of the Humanities Scholar Program and will receive an annual $3,000 scholarship through his...

May 20, 2016

ECU Admissions to host virtual Q&A for prospective students

On Tuesday, May 24, from 3 – 6 p.m., ECU's experienced admissions staff will be live tweeting answers to admissions questions from prospective students and parents. During this time, followers are...

May 06, 2016

Graduates toasted at Senior Celebration

Glasses were raised to East Carolina graduates of two generations at Senior Celebration on Thursday afternoon. Sponsored jointly by the East Carolina Alumni Association and the Pirate Club, the...

May 05, 2016

Laupus Library offers respites for stressed students

Final exam week is the busiest time for Laupus Library each semester, as students pack into every available study space for hours of studying. To encourage students to take a...

May 05, 2016

CSDI students present donors with patient-created quilt

Students from East Carolina University’s Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders presented a group of long-time donors with a unique gift during several representatives’ visit to campus this April. The...

May 04, 2016

Graduates decorate caps to celebrate degrees

Graduating from college is an accomplishment and expressing that elation has become a tradition at East Carolina University. Approximately half of ECU graduates decorate their mortarboards celebrating their accomplishments, using...

May 02, 2016

Medical Education Day showcases innovation

East Carolina University’s Second Annual Medical Education Day was held April 20 at the Brody School of Medicine. The event showcased 27 projects related to undergraduate and graduate medical, nursing...

Apr 29, 2016

ECU chapter of Gold Humanism Honor Society inducts new members

An organization at East Carolina University honoring medical students and resident physicians who exemplify humanism and professionalism inducted 18 new members at an April event. The Brody School of Medicine...

Apr 19, 2016

College of Health and Human Performance awards $208,700 in scholarships

East Carolina University’s College of Health and Human Performance awarded $208,700 in scholarships to 161 outstanding students during the Pecheles Automotive Group Winner’s Circle scholarship breakfast April 8 at the...

Apr 14, 2016

ECU named top school for military spouses

East Carolina University has been named one of the top 100 schools in the nation for military spouses. ECU is the only university in North Carolina to receive Victory Media’s...