Service Archives

Oct 05, 2018

ECU one of 18 campuses partnering to address food insecurity in NC

North Carolina Campus Compact has joined forces with Food Lion Feeds to launch a Collegiate Challenge that will mobilize colleges and universities to address hunger in their local communities. East...

Oct 04, 2018
  • Erin Ward


East Carolina University students will travel to Washington, North Carolina, during fall break to volunteer with local nonprofit organizations and aid recovery efforts for Hurricane Florence. The three-day trip, offered...

Oct 01, 2018

Student event at ECU combines innovation, hurricane relief

An event geared toward students aims to bring innovative ideas to disaster relief efforts as eastern North Carolina continues to recover from the effects of Hurricane Florence. On Thursday, Oct....

Oct 01, 2018

Called to serve: ECU Police assist NC agencies after Hurricane Florence

Since Hurricane Florence struck eastern North Carolina two weeks ago, groups across East Carolina University have stepped up to help, including the ECU Police Department. In the aftermath of the...

Dr. Jon Kornegay discusses the challenges Duplin County faced during Hurricane Florence. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 28, 2018
  • Rob Spahr


When Hurricane Florence brought devastation to the Carolinas, students, faculty and alumni from the Brody School of Medicine made sure they were in position to serve the region’s patients and...

ECU College of Nursing faculty member Dr. Michelle Skipper, who was awarded the Governor’s Award for Public Service last year for helping St. Pauls residents after Hurricane Matthew in 2016, is back in action in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 26, 2018
  • Natalie Sayewich


The community of St. Pauls in southeastern North Carolina has become well versed in the damage that hurricanes can cause, and ECU College of Nursing faculty member Dr. Michelle Skipper...

Sep 26, 2018

ECU Hurricane Florence food drive off to fast start

East Carolina University’s efforts to help those affected by Hurricane Florence are off to a quick start thanks to early success from its community-wide food drive. During its first week,...

Holly Pittard, second-year Brody School of Medicine student, unloads water from an SUV at the Walter B. Jones Center in Pitt County. (ECU Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 19, 2018
  • Jules Norwood
  • Rob Spahr


Hurricane Florence made a sharp left turn as it made landfall in southeastern North Carolina, sparing Greenville from the worst of its fury. Now, Pirates are responding, banding together to...

ECU alumnus Todd Burdick of Garner unloads food he brought Tuesday, Sept. 18, for university relief efforts as ECU junior Davis Basden and Sharon Paynter of ECU’s Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement assist. Burdick works for a commercial food broker. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 18, 2018
  • Doug Boyd


East Carolina University has set up a recovery operations center for those affected by Hurricane Florence and created a website where individuals and businesses may request assistance and the ECU...

ECU Collegiate Recovery Community Coordinator Jarmichael Harris and Ashton Fisher sort through items donated to the Purple Pantry while stocking the shelves at the Center for Counseling and Student Development. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Sep 05, 2018
  • Jules Norwood


College students have plenty to stress about — from exams and grades to their futures and the minefield of social life on campus. One stress they don’t need is wondering...