Service Archives

Oct 11, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall

Faculty, staff donors give ECU time, talent and treasure

East Carolina University’s faculty and staff demonstrate their dedication to the university’s mission in their daily efforts to educate students and manage its programs. Many go beyond their work commitments...

One benefit of the record sponsored activities funding is the chance for students to participate in faculty-led research projects for hands-on learning. (Photos by News Services)
Oct 11, 2023
  • Kim Tilghman


Breaking Down the Numbers Of the $85.6M: Brody School of Medicine secured the top amount at $29.7M, followed by the College of Health and Human Performance at $13.6M $18M funded...

East Carolina University State Employees’ Credit Union Scholars share their appreciation with SECU Foundation representatives at the inaugural SECU People Helping People Scholars Luncheon.
Sep 28, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


Since 2005, the State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Foundation has invested more than $7 million in the success of East Carolina University students. The organization’s partnership with ECU was celebrated...

East Carolina University Air Force ROTC cadets look at photos in a case in the library exhibition “75 Years of Detachment 600: East Carolina’s Air Force ROTC.”
Sep 26, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward


From the vision and support of then-East Carolina Teachers College president John Messick in the 1940s to current cadets and commander Lt. Col. William Dye, who is East Carolina University...

Sep 21, 2023
  • Kelly Rogers Dilda

ECU physiology professor wins inaugural award for service from national organization

Dr. Robert Carroll, professor of physiology in the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, was awarded the American Physiological Society’s (APS) inaugural Presidential Outstanding Service Award during the...

Members of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol practice CPR at the Brody School of Medicine’s simulation center Aug. 23.
Sep 20, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel


The clinical simulation center at East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine is usually peopled with fresh-faced students in scrubs and running shoes with tousled college-kid hair. During the first...

Sep 20, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Grant expands ECU’s AmeriCorps program to teaching, counseling students

A $3.9 million grant will help youth and families in eastern North Carolina receive access to teaching and mental health support through East Carolina University’s branch of AmeriCorps. Sponsored by...

Sep 14, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

ECU to serve as rural education hub for Southeast

A new partnership with the Rural Schools Collaborative puts East Carolina University at the forefront of rural education in North and South Carolina. The Rural Education Institute (REI) — which...

Sep 06, 2023
  • Ken Buday

ECU engineering student spends summer repairing medical equipment in Uganda

Rolando Rosado returned to East Carolina University this fall with perspective from a summer spent helping people and saving lives. The junior engineering student participated in the Engineering World Health...

Aug 31, 2023
  • Ken Buday

ECU chapter of Phi Sigma Pi receives organization’s highest award

With service as its backbone, East Carolina University’s Tau chapter of Phi Sigma Pi has been recognized nationally for its work on campus and in the community. ECU’s oldest fraternal...