Morgan Kane has performed in 18 countries across five continents driving Grave Digger, an off-road, competitive racing monster truck with a huge fan base. When Kane’s not driving, he works...
Morgan Kane has performed in 18 countries across five continents driving Grave Digger, an off-road, competitive racing monster truck with a huge fan base. When Kane’s not driving, he works...
Charlotte’s Mesyiah Fleming credits East Carolina University with providing not only the skills, but also the lifelong friends and connections to succeed in his chosen career. Fleming, who will graduate...
Interim Chancellor Ron Mitchelson has spent the past 20 years as a professor and administrator at East Carolina University, and today he occupies the big desk in Spilman, responsible for...
Jessica Jaye wants to effect change as an educational leader. Jaye, who will graduate this fall with her Master of Arts in education in middle grades education with a concentration...
Elizabeth Johnson, who was admitted to East Carolina University at the age of 16 and turned 18 in March, is one of the youngest students to complete her degree from...
Soon-to-be-alumnus Calvin Massey Jr. describes himself as an introvert. However, he was able to break out of that personality trait when he enrolled at East Carolina University and the College...
The life of a parasite can be difficult. At best they’re exploitative; at worst they turn their host into a zombie. Now try facing all those challenges without help from...
While turkey or ham has traditionally taken center stage at holiday meals, some families may find that their students transitioned to a plant-based or meatless diet over the fall semester....
Dr. Laura Gerald, president of the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, will be the keynote speaker for East Carolina University’s Fall Commencement Ceremony on Friday, Dec. 13 at 9 a.m....
MISSED THE PERFORMANCE? If you want to see the students’ artwork integrating Hurricane Florence weather data, computational thinking, music, and visual arts in person, visit their showcase on ECU’s Health...