Health Sciences Archives

Oct 08, 2021
  • Spaine Stephens

ECU dental school dean named president-elect of international group

Dr. Greg Chadwick, dean of the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine, has been elected president-elect of FDI World Dental Federation, the premier representative body for more than one...

Oct 07, 2021
  • Rob Spahr

ECU nursing, physical therapy students team up for patient-centered training

A new partnership between the East Carolina University colleges of Allied Health Sciences and Nursing recently provided students the opportunity to experience firsthand the benefits of interprofessional health care delivery...

Sep 30, 2021
  • Crystal Baity

Study: Public health could be improved by reducing ‘tobacco swamps’

A new study co-authored by an East Carolina University researcher finds that public health could be improved by reducing “tobacco swamps” — densely located stores that sell tobacco products. Similar...

Sep 27, 2021
  • Spaine Stephens

ECU occupational therapy provides screenings, activities for children

Students and faculty in the East Carolina University College of Allied Health Sciences’ Department of Occupational Therapy provided free screenings, educational games and activities to children on Sept. 18 during...

Funding by the North Carolina Biotechnology Center has helped advance research such as COVID-19 vaccine therapies at ECU. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 24, 2021
  • Doug Boyd


How do you get a grant for your idea? ECU's Carlyle Rogers explains. For the translational research grants (TRG), the process typically starts with our Office of Licensing and Commercialization...

Sep 24, 2021
  • Crystal Baity

Pirates encouraged to take their shot at first FluFest

Music, giveaways, free food, exclusive merchandise and of course, flu shots, will highlight the first FluFest, a two-day outdoor event at East Carolina University. “Given the past 18 months that...

Sep 14, 2021
  • Crystal Baity

ECU remains top performer in national rankings

East Carolina University remains a top performer in social mobility among national universities in North Carolina, according to a new ranking. ECU also is one of the top four nationally...

Sep 13, 2021
  • Crystal Baity

Student: Fernando Chivela

Growing up in Angola — a country on Africa’s west coast beset by civil war, poverty and preventable diseases — has inspired Fernando Chivela to use technology to improve access...

Sep 08, 2021
  • Natalie Sayewich


Charles Baldwin — “Chuck” as he was known to family, friends and colleagues at East Carolina University — loved to learn. As the son of two educators, Baldwin believed in...

Sep 07, 2021
  • Natalie Sayewich

College of Nursing welcomes new undergraduate students with pinning ceremony

The East Carolina University College of Nursing celebrated nearly 300 new baccalaureate students on Sept. 2, welcoming each with a golden Lamp of Learning pin to wear on their uniforms....