Fine Arts & Communication Archives

May 09, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall

Proud Pirate shares lessons with young students, new teachers

Excited voices and giggles rise around Crystal Hodges’ kindergarten classroom. Hodges ’03 ’05 stands and claps. Her class claps back in response and settles into quiet. Hodges choreographed the steps...

East Carolina University celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2023 Friday in Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
May 05, 2023
  • ECU News Services


Each one’s journey has been different, but almost 5,000 Pirates now share at least one major accomplishment in common — they are East Carolina University graduates. ECU’s Class of 2023...

May 04, 2023
  • Crystal Baity

ECU dance, macroeconomics students collaborate on class finale

The last week of classes at East Carolina University brought students in macroeconomics and dance together for a performance illustrating the highs and lows of the U.S. economy. The students...

Seven upcoming ECU graduates pose in front of the bell tower.
May 01, 2023
  • ECU News Services


"It just feels like home." The phrase is uttered by countless Pirates every year, whether it's their first time on campus, a return to Pirate Nation after winter break, or...

After moving more than 8,000 miles from Nepal to Greenville, graduate student Insha Pun prepares to celebrate earning her master's degree in health communication.
May 01, 2023
  • Crystal Baity


STATISTICS Name: Insha Pun College: Fine Arts and Communication Major: Communication with a concentration in health communication Age: 27 Classification/Year: Graduate student Hometown: Babiyachaur, Nepal Hobbies/interests: Cooking and working out...

Wrenn Whitfield, from left, Teresa Hupp, Abby Ulffers and Kaylee Warren became best friends during their time at East Carolina University and encouraged each other on their journeys to success.
Apr 27, 2023
  • Kristen Martin


In Hollywood, college is pictured as a place where you’ll find yourself and — more importantly — you’ll find your lifelong friends who support and encourage you to be successful....

Apr 25, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Honors students promote fashion sustainability with creation of pop-up thrift shop

A group of Honors College students sought to make fashion more sustainable by creating a pop-up thrift shop on East Carolina University’s campus. “Our group was brought together by a...

The final performance of the semester for East Carolina University's Loessin Playhouse begins Wednesday as the School of Theatre and Dance presents “Pride and Prejudice” running until April 23.
Apr 19, 2023
  • Hannah Eccleston


For the final performance of the semester, East Carolina University and Loessin Playhouse will present “Pride and Prejudice” running from April 19-23 in McGinnis Theatre. The show is a theatrical...

Faculty members who received the UNC System Board of Governors Distinguished Professor for Teaching Awards stand with Provost Robin Coger, left, and Faculty Chair Anne Ticknor and Chancellor Philip Rogers, right.
Apr 14, 2023
  • Crystal Baity


East Carolina University recognized and celebrated outstanding faculty members during the 2023 University Teaching Awards ceremony Tuesday night in the Murphy Center. “I’m so proud we’re a university that offers...

Assistant director Lacee Thomason, left, and director Riley Yates rehearse a scene from “SCOUTS” with members of the 5th Street Players.
Mar 31, 2023
  • Kristen Martin


A common piece of writing advice is to write what you know. East Carolina University alumna Caitlyn Leach ’18 did just that when she created the concept for “SCOUTS,” an...