Craig Matta finishes what he started
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RELATED: Craig Matta joins Partway Home program to complete degree
Many of the students who will receive their diplomas alongside Craig Matta this May began their East Carolina University careers as freshmen in 2016. Matta first arrived on campus a few years earlier, in 1966.
In the years between, Matta served in the U.S. Army Reserve and spent three decades working for Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. He said he felt he had to work harder to make up for not having his degree.
“It always kind of stuck in my craw,” he said.
The New Bern resident also wanted to complete his degree for his siblings, none of whom attended college, and his mother, who is now 100 years old. After retiring, it was the top item on his bucket list.
More than 50 years after enrolling at ECU, Matta returned to campus last fall. After discussions with academic advisors and the chair of the psychology department he found that he needed only one class to graduate — but he decided to take an additional class first to get his feet wet.
He took global studies in psychology and earned an A, finding the class enjoyable and his professor engaging and helpful.
“During my career, I did lots of international travel and this class fit me well,” Matta said. “In fact, I have developed a friendship with a student from the business school in Beijing and it continues to this day.”

Thanks to ECU’s Partway Home program, Matta has finished a degree he started more than 50 years ago. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
For the capstone course he needed to graduate, he chose Dr. Kendall Thornton’s advanced psychology class.
“I have learned so much in this class — not just about psychology principles, but about me,” he said.
Matta said the experience of college was dramatically different this time around, especially with regards to technology, but he had expected that. He also said he was thrilled to be accepted by his fellow students and to find his professors approachable.
While he is disappointed that there won’t be a traditional commencement ceremony, he looks forward to celebrating with family and friends.
“I must admit that this virus has changed the climax that I had hoped for upon finally graduating,” he said. “But then, my journey has been anything but normal. … The main thing is that I complete the circle and check this off of my bucket list.”
The next long road on that list is to visit every state park in North Carolina. So look for Matta and his wife towing their travel trailer from the mountains to the coast.
Matta said the most striking thing about returning to school has been the individual help and attention he has received.
“I have been made to feel like I am the only student at ECU,” he said.
Name: W. Craig Matta
College: Thomas Harriot College of Arts & Sciences
Major: Psychology
Age: 71
Classification/Year: Senior
Hometown: Roanoke Rapids, N.C.
Hobbies/Interests: I have done them all but now enjoy RVing
Favorite hangout: Home
Favorite place on campus: Student Center
Favorite place to eat: Bistro By The Sea, Morehead City
Favorite class: Dr. Thorton’s Advanced Psychology
Professor who influenced you the most: Dr. Thorton
Favorite TV show: “Aerial America”
Favorite band/musician: Carolina Beach Music (Band of Oz, Embers, etc.); Recently begun enjoying listening to Rhiannon Giddens
Favorite movie: “Scent of a Woman”
Dream job: I enjoyed my 30+ year career. Dream job now is to sit back and relax.
Role model: Jim Palmer, my boss early in my career.
Your words to live by: If you can’t have fun doing it, it ain’t worth doing.
What is something cool about ECU that you wish you knew during your first year? Professors are actually human and care about your success.