For more details about the housing and dining refunds, please visit the Housing and Dining Refund Information page. What happens if a student owes a balance on his/her cashier account?...
For more details about the housing and dining refunds, please visit the Housing and Dining Refund Information page. What happens if a student owes a balance on his/her cashier account?...
Regular updates and information about COVID-19 and steps ECU is taking to protect the health and safety of our community are available on the university’s coronavirus website. Additionally, a weekly...
There have been a lot of questions about the Emergency Grading Accommodation policy as it applies to graduate students. The purpose of my message today is to provide a clear...
As the campus, state and nation continue to navigate the effects of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, ECU is in the second week of fully alternative delivery courses and the vast...
As K-12 and college students throughout Greenville adapt to online learning, East Carolina University has made its Wi-Fi network available to students without reliable broadband internet service. ECU Information Technology...
Dear Campus Community, As the COVID-19 event continues to evolve and spread, the UNC System Office has provided new Faculty and Staff work and leave provisions for April 1 through...
As East Carolina University students switched from in-person to distance education-only classes last week, hundreds of faculty and staff worked from home. Face-to-face lectures or meetings were replaced by virtual...
Campus Community, Based on guidance from the University of North Carolina System Office to reduce the on-campus presence of mandatory staff and increase social distancing in response to COVID 19,...
MESSAGE FROM ECU ECU is working on the details with UNC System of how the housing and dining refunds will be processed. Additional information will be announced no later than...
ECU and the UNC System continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 cases and work to ensure the safety of our university community. Our faculty, staff and students have stepped...