Sometimes it takes a village. And a caravan. And complete strangers. Julianne Szymanski has been a labor and delivery nurse for a decade and a half. She has had a...
Sometimes it takes a village. And a caravan. And complete strangers. Julianne Szymanski has been a labor and delivery nurse for a decade and a half. She has had a...
Sometimes gaming doesn’t mean playing a game. In June of 2022, Josh Peery, a game designer and instructional technology consultant for East Carolina University’s College of Nursing, was asked to speak...
Public health researchers from East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine, led by Suzanne Lea, have finalized their findings of the Pirates’ Prevention and COVID-19 Testing Study (PiratePACT) study of...
The history of humans and horses has been intertwined for more than 5,000 years. Mongol horsemen spread an empire across Asia’s great seas of grass. Conquistadors reintroduced horses into North...
When many think of a university education, the images that often come to mind are those of young adults sitting in neat rows in a lecture hall. Nursing students’ practical...
A two-minute walk across East Carolina University’s Health Sciences Campus was all it took for students to break down barriers and build interdisciplinary relationships. On an overcast Thursday, eight second-year...
In late October, four East Carolina University students got gussied up and stood in a large, sun-splashed College of Allied Health Sciences conference room and presented their plan for how...
The first thing you need to know about the Rogan sisters is simple, but helpful — Skylar wears glasses and Madison doesn’t. For identical twins who are as identical as...
“I said HUT! I said HUT!” Three young boys roughhousing an improvised game of football in an East Carolina University conference room on a cool, overcast late fall day wasn’t...
One of the ironies of Parkinson’s disease, which is marked by an increasing inability for sufferers to control their movements, is that movement helps to stave off the disease’s progression....