Students Archives

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Lacey L. Gray

Josie Smith

Josie Smith said working alongside East Carolina University peers and faculty members who will challenge her is one of the things she is looking forward to as a member of...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Ken Buday

Jenna Caputa

The big picture doesn’t overwhelm Jenna Caputa. The incoming East Carolina University Brinkley-Lane Scholar finds pleasure in simple things — the catchy beat of a song, a well-crafted phrase in...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Spaine Stephens

Emma Romig

All her life, Emma Romig has been fervent and fearless when it comes to achieving her goals. She’ll bring that same determined personality to East Carolina University when she arrives...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Crystal Baity

Emma Harrell

Emma Harrell’s goal to become a concept artist for a game development company or in a related field put East Carolina University on her short list of colleges to consider....

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Ken Buday

Emely Cruz Ramirez

Emely Cruz Ramirez comes from the one-stoplight town of Vanceboro, about 30 miles from the East Carolina University campus. “If you go to the local Food Lion, you are guaranteed...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Matt Smith

Darshan Patel

Rocky Mount Academy’s (RMA) Darshan Patel didn’t always know what he wanted to do with his life. “I held on to the belief that I could become a professional tennis...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Michael Rudd

Caramia Landis

"All of the late-night studying, pushing myself physically and mentally, and always trying to see how I could do better, be better; it all paid off." It appears to be...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Doug Boyd

Blake Hardee

He's a volunteer firefighter. He’s a veterinary assistant. He’s a Brinkley-Lane Scholar. He’s Blake Hardee, now a senior at D.H. Conley High School who will graduate June 9. In August,...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Anya Duffy

When making her college decision, Anya Duffy had two requirements: She wanted to go out of state and attend a large university. What checked the final box in favor of...

ECU Brinkley-Lane Scholars
May 18, 2023
  • Julie Roman

Anna Grace Benton

Bloom where you are planted. Currently ranking first in her class with a 4.46 GPA, Anna Grace Benton of Wilson has flourished at Beddingfield High School. Despite Benton having no...