Scholarships Archives

Jan 03, 2024
  • Crystal Baity

Student: Allison Davis

Allison Davis saw opportunities to grow at East Carolina University while staying close to home when she made her college decision. A main factor was getting accepted to ECU Honors...

Dec 21, 2023
  • ECU News Services


In 2023, East Carolina University celebrated its first University Day, recorded $85.6 million in sponsored awards and exceeded the $500 million goal of the Pursue Gold Comprehensive Campaign five months...

Dec 13, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall

Jenkins Society inductees’ faithful support boosts ECU’s future

Former Chancellor Leo Jenkins’ belief in the future of East Carolina University was unwavering and magnified by the dedication to the institution he saw in others. Jenkins once said, “there...

Jordan Anderson took in every opportunity offered to her through the College of Business and Honors College during her time at East Carolina University. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Dec 10, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Jordan Anderson, Business Administration, accounting

STATISTICS Name: Jordan Anderson College: College of Business Major: Accounting Age: 21 Classification/Year: Senior Hometown: Greenville, NC Hobbies/interests: Strength and conditioning, traveling, spending time outdoors, watching movies. Clubs and Organizations:...

Ariel Lineberger, who graduates with an engineering degree on Friday, stands in the Science and Technology Building. (Photo by Rhett Butler)
Dec 06, 2023
  • Ken Buday

Ariel Lineberger, Engineering

STATISTICS Name: Ariel R’Monie Lineberger College: College of Engineering and Technology Major: Engineering Concentration: Environmental engineering Minor: Mathematics and composite natural science AGE: 23 Classification/Year: Senior Hometown: Nebo Hobbies/interests: Hiking,...

Dec 06, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall

Positive Influence

Every gift Pat ’67 and Lynn Lane have given to East Carolina University has a central purpose – the students. Their support for ECU students and the institution spans decades and...

Members of the Chi Omega Sorority celebrated homecoming festivities at their Fifth Street sorority house. A current sorority member could be the first recipient of the ECU Rho Zeta Chi Omega Scholarship, which will be awarded in 2024. (Photos by Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall)
Nov 27, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


ECU a launch pad for Bond’s career Stephanie Bond considered only two schools when she was looking for a college. She decided on ECU during her campus tour. “My campus...

Roshan Saud of Nepal and Muhammad Kamran of Pakistan carry their countries’ flags during a Parade of Flags ceremony. (ECU photos by Rhett Butler)
Nov 13, 2023
  • Steven Grandy


To kick off International Education Week, East Carolina University’s Office of Global Affairs held its first Parade of Flags during the afternoon of Thursday, Nov. 9. Members of the ECU...

Adrienne Steiner-Brett and Ginny Driscoll, assistant professors of music therapy, along with Pitt County Group Homes Foundation President Jacob Parrish and Executive Director Mary Grace Bright receive a plaque for ECU’s new on-campus music therapy clinic. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Nov 02, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


Crowdfunding instrumental to program's success A crowdfunding campaign to raise $20,000 kicks off Nov. 1 to help fulfill the vision for the new music therapy clinic in East Carolina University’s...

Oct 17, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel

Scholarship-sponsored travel helps ECU nursing student with Spanish skills

Madiha Abdelhakim, a senior nursing student from Cary, spent part of the past summer, like a number of undergrads, traveling with her roommates in Europe. Her month in Spain, however,...