Research Archives

May 14, 2019
  • Rob Spahr


A researcher at ECU’s Brody School of Medicine testified before a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee Wednesday, May 15, about the negative health effects of chemical compounds that are estimated...

East Carolina University biology professor Chris Balakrishnan has been appointed as a temporary program director with the National Science Foundation’s Evolutionary Processes Cluster. The position allows Balakrishnan to make recommendations about which NSF research proposals to fund.
May 08, 2019
  • Matt Smith


An East Carolina University associate professor will have the chance to shape science funding at the national level during the next two years. Chris Balakrishnan, a faculty member in the...

May 03, 2019
  • Kristin Zachary

Graduate video profile: Juliana Lane

Screenwriters often use their own life experiences as inspiration — a method East Carolina University senior Juliana Lane, a film and video production major in the School of Art and Design, implemented...

English major and great books minor Glenesha Berryman is one of 32 winners of a spring University Creative Activity award.
May 03, 2019
  • Kristin Zachary

Graduate video profile: Glenesha Berryman

Words have power, and East Carolina University senior Glenesha Berryman, an English major with a minor in great books, is working to use them for good. Berryman, an EC Scholar and...

Apr 30, 2019
  • Matt Smith


Farmers, farm advocates and experts at East Carolina University are working to fuel economic growth through agriculture as part of its new Economic Growth Collaboratory. The groups met April 23...

Researcher on arctic ice
Apr 26, 2019
  • Jamie Smith


Changes seen in the Arctic climate have a direct impact on the frequency and intensity of hurricanes experienced in eastern North Carolina. That is why Dan Dickerson, an East Carolina...

Apr 24, 2019
  • Matt Smith


Big data – large sets of data that are analyzed to reveal patterns, trends and associations ­– is becoming big business at East Carolina University. The topic was discussed April...

East Carolina University professor Xin Hu shares his cell imaging research with attendees at the biomaterials research cluster launch event held at Research and Creative Achievement Week. The new cluster focuses on engineered materials that can be used for joint replacements, heart valves, surgical sutures or ligament replacements, among others.
Apr 18, 2019
  • Matt Smith


Researchers are putting a focus on biomaterials with the launch of East Carolina University’s newest research cluster. On April 5, the university launched its biomaterials research cluster as part of...

Undergraduate researcher Radha Patel shares her work with a judge at East Carolina University’s 13th annual Research and Creative Achievement Week. A record number of undergraduate students presented at this year’s event. (Photo by Matt Smith)
Apr 15, 2019
  • Doug Boyd
  • Matt Smith


East Carolina University researchers shared their work with the community as part of the university’s 13th annual Research and Creative Achievement Week. Nearly 400 oral and poster presentations – including a...

Apr 10, 2019
  • ECU News Services

ECU expert featured overseas

An East Carolina University professor was recently featured in an overseas newspaper for her research into misinformation and medical care. Andrea Kitta, an associate professor in the Department of English,...