News Archives

Dr. Emily Yeager spends time her with student researchers Anjalee Hou, center, and Taylor Cash.
May 11, 2022
  • Kristen Martin


For many aspiring college students, being able to participate in research projects as an undergraduate is a huge draw. With East Carolina University’s status as the only university in North...

Ravian Jordan, left, and Kayin Fails turn their tassels at commencement.
May 06, 2022
  • ECU News Services


East Carolina University celebrated the Class of 2022 in Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium in its first full-scale spring commencement ceremony since 2019. The ceremony recognized the accomplishments of more than 4,600 spring...

Brody School of Medicine alumna Dr. Rasheeda Monroe was part of a team of Black female physicians who worked to address health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 05, 2022
  • Rob Spahr


Edrisa Horton was eager to volunteer at a COVID-19 vaccine event at Macedonia New Life Church in southeast Raleigh during the early days of vaccine distribution. She wanted to do...

May 03, 2022
  • Spaine Stephens


The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University has experienced recent success in recruiting a diverse group of patients to participate in clinical trials for new medications and treatments....

May 02, 2022
  • ECU News Services


Pirate success comes in many forms. For some, inspiration arises when they first set foot on campus, or experience one of East Carolina University’s unique programs like Semester at the...

May 02, 2022
  • Ronnie Woodward


STATISTICS Name: Kimberly Sanford College: Health and Human Performance Major: Master of Science in kinesiology with a concentration in sports and exercise psychology Age: 22 Classification/Year: Graduate student Hometown: Philadelphia,...

ECU grad progile Ashley Guttenberger poses on the mall.
May 02, 2022
  • Jules Norwood


STATISTICS Name: Ashley Guttenberger College: College of Allied Health Sciences Major: Master of Science in communication sciences and disorders Age: 32 Classification/Year: Graduate student Hometown: Allentown, Pennsylvania Hobbies/interests: Hiking, traveling...

ECU grad profile Luke Fogarty poses on the mall.
May 02, 2022
  • Michael Rudd


STATISTICS Name: Luke Fogarty College: College of Business Major: Business administration with a concentration in business management, minor in composite natural science   Age: 21 Classification/Year: Senior Hometown: Greenville, North Carolina...

ECU graduate profile Madeline Douglas poses for a photo on the mall.
May 02, 2022
  • Crystal Baity


STATISTICS Name: Madeline Douglas College: College of Fine Arts and Communication Major: Dance performance and choreography, certificate in entrepreneurship     Age: 22 Classification/Year: Senior Hometown: Winston-Salem, North Carolina Hobbies/interests: Dancing, sewing,...

ECU grad profile Dymon Blango poses on the mall.
May 02, 2022
  • Kristen Martin


STATISTICS Name: Dymon Blango College: Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Major: Double major in biology and chemistry, minor in forensic science Age: 21 Classification/Year: Senior Hometown: Greenville, N.C....