News Archives

Nov 25, 1997
  • ECU News Services

ECU becomes technology partner to the National Defense University

A unique, on-line master's degree program at East Carolina University has produced a cooperative project that will attract military, civil service and industry leaders as ECU graduate students and will...

Nov 25, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Geologist to give fall commencement address

Dr. Stanley R. Riggs, an award-winning geologist and member of the Department of Geology faculty, has been chosen to deliver the address at the fall commencement on Dec. 13. About...

Nov 24, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Chancellor wins first honor society award

Dr. Richard R. Eakin, chancellor of East Carolina University, has received the Ambassador of Excellence Award from Sigma Beta Delta, a national honor society. The award recognizes individuals from business,...

Nov 07, 1997
  • ECU News Services

ECU converts to one card system

Beginning in January, all East Carolina University students, faculty and staff members will have new identification cards as the campus moves to a unified system of "smart" cards, not just...

Nov 05, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Eakin picked for higher ed post

Dr. Richard Eakin, chancellor of East Carolina University in Greenville, has been elected president of the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Universities. Eakin will serve a one-year term as...

Oct 23, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Vampires are tops in horror for ECU english professor

They live in big houses, sleep all day, revel and roam freely at night, and have a knack for romance. They never worry about serious illness. And therefore it is...

Oct 22, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Sonic Plaza takes shape

For the past couple of years, sights and sounds on the plaza between the east and west buildings of J.Y. Joyner Library at East Carolina University have consisted primarily of...

Oct 16, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Underwater research team on public TV

A public television special will feature the work of an East Carolina University nautical archaeology team that is studying the remains of a 17th century shipwreck in Bermuda. The special...

Oct 09, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Supercomputer exec to join ECU as head of Information Technology

A top administrators at the Ohio Supercomputer Center will join East Carolina University next month to direct information technology programs on campus. Dr. Jeffrey C. Huskamp will fill the new...

Oct 02, 1997
  • ECU News Services

Surgeon named speaker for fall commencement

Dr. Walter Pories, founding chairman of the Department of Surgery at the East Carolina University School of Medicine, has been chosen to deliver the address at the university's fall commencement...