News Archives

Jul 01, 1998
  • ECU News Services

ECU opens bids from soft-drink companies

East Carolina University today (July 1) opened bids from Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, who are seeking exclusive rights to sell their products on the university campus. Bid documents from the two...

Jun 16, 1998
  • ECU News Services

Carroll Varner named director of ECU Library Services

Carroll Varner, associate dean of university libraries at Illinois State University, has been named director of Academic Library Services at East Carolina University, effective Aug.10. Varner will be the chief...

May 22, 1998
  • ECU News Services

Theatre lobby named for Archie Burnette

The lobby of the McGinnis Theatre on the East Carolina University campus has been named for Archie R. Burnette Jr. of Tarboro. A portrait of Burnette, a successful farmer, was...

May 17, 1998
  • ECU News Services

Chappell lauds value of university education

Under a cloudless sky Saturday (May 16), Fred Chappell, the poet laureate of North Carolina, sent the latest East Carolina University graduates off with a ringing endorsement of a university...

May 15, 1998
  • ECU News Services

Sheerer named dean of ECU education school

Marilyn A. Sheerer, interim associate dean of the School of Education at East Carolina University, has been named dean of the school, effective Monday (May 18). Sheerer, who came to...

May 14, 1998
  • ECU News Services

East Carolina University Degree worth $1 million

If you've just spent the last four (or more) years working toward a college degree - and/or paying for one - you have probably, at some point, asked yourself, "Is...

May 13, 1998
  • ECU News Services

ECU Trustees Tackle Strategic Decisions

The ECU Board of Trustees, endorsing continued growth and expansion for the university, has urged a strategic vision that embraces elements of leadership, service, excellence and innovation. The trustees, during...

May 07, 1998
  • ECU News Services

ECU Faculty Members Honored for Teaching

Ten East Carolina University faculty members were recognized for their outstanding teaching at a campus ceremony on May 7. Three faculty members received ECU Alumni Teaching Excellence Awards and six...

May 01, 1998
  • ECU News Services

Eakin targets ECU enrollment at 27,000

Greenville, NC  —   Chancellor Richard Eakin told the ECU Board of Trustees on Jan. 27 that the university's enrollment could grow to 27,000 in the coming decade. "It is...

Apr 29, 1998
  • ECU News Services

ECU Special Education Professor writes about Inclusive Classrooms

The education of public school students with diverse learning needs is the focus of a new book by a member of the East Carolina University education faculty. Mary W. Schmidt,...