News Archives

Jun 22, 2003
  • ECU News Services

ECU Names Dr. Steven Thomas dean of School of Allied Health Sciences

Dr. Stephen W. Thomas has been selected dean of the East Carolina University School of Allied Health Sciences, effective July 1. Thomas has served as interim dean since April 2001....

Jun 19, 2003
  • ECU News Services

Two department chairs named

New chairs have been named to lead the Departments of Economics and Sociology at East Carolina University. Dr. Richard Ericson, professor of economics at Columbia University, will become chair of...

Jun 18, 2003
  • ECU News Services

Talton receives long-leaf pine award

Jim Talton, vice chairman of the East Carolina University Board of Trustees and a long-time supporter of the university, was awarded one of the state's highest honors today (June 18)...

Jun 11, 2003
  • Doug Boyd

Cutting-edge video helps researchers study foot problems of diabetes patients

In Hollywood it's among the hottest technologies that's popping up in blockbuster movies such as "The Matrix Reloaded," "The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers" and "Spiderman" -...

Jun 10, 2003
  • ECU News Services

ECU to launch new online newsletter, @ECU

Pirate fans, alumni and the East Carolina University community can now receive a round-up of Pirate news from one source as ECU launches @ECU, a weekly electronic newsletter. The listserve...

Jun 09, 2003
  • ECU News Services

ECU students selected to meet laureates in Germany

Craig Conticchio, a graduate student at East Carolina University, was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of 18 outstanding research participants to attend the 53rd international convention...

Jun 04, 2003
  • Doug Boyd

New devices keep arteries open

A new type of stent that uses medication to stop the growth of scar tissue inside narrowed arteries propped open with the metal devices has been called a "major breakthrough"...

Jun 03, 2003
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

Grant to fund study of possible asthma treatment from crabs

An East Carolina University researcher has received $920,999 from the Department of Defense to continue his studies in treating childhood asthma. Dr. Yoshimi Shibata, research associate professor in the Department...

May 15, 2003
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

Agreement puts freeze-dried platelets closer to clinical trials

Hemocellular Therapeutics, expected to produce the first platelet-based therapeutic blood product available to doctors for the immediate treatment of bleeding, has established an exclusive licensing agreement with East Carolina University...

May 12, 2003
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

Skin cancer affecting younger people, dermatologists say

Dermatologists at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University are seeing an alrming trend: Skin cancer patients are getting younger. Dr. Charles Phillips, associate professor of internal medicine...