News Archives

May 15, 2005
  • ECU News Services

ECU faculty awarded seed grants to further research

East Carolina University’s Division of Research and Graduate Studies awarded $550,000 in grants to 23 professors last month under the new Research Development Grant Program. The grants will enable ECU...

May 12, 2005
  • ECU News Services

ECU Planner finds East suffers from poverty, low growth

An East Carolina University professor’s new analysis of data from the U. S. Census Bureau for the past 30 years shows that North Carolina’s rural and coastal areas suffer from...

May 12, 2005
  • ECU News Services

New department to focus on safty, crime prevention

Officials at East Carolina University recently announced the opening of the department of campus safety that will focus on crime prevention through a serious of safety workshops and forums. Located...

May 10, 2005
  • ECU News Services

ECU English graduates to present writing

Five undergraduate and one graduate student from the Department of English’s Creative Writing Program at East Carolina University will be honored Thursday evening as Outstanding Graduates when they will present...

May 09, 2005
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

Price named medical school nurse of the year

The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University named Bobbie Lou Price as its nurse of the year during a ceremony May 4 at the Rock Springs Center. Price...

May 08, 2005
  • ECU News Services

Sheerer names interim vice chancellor

Marilyn Sheerer, dean of the College of Education at East Carolina University, has been named interim vice chancellor for advancement, effective June 1. Sheerer, who will continue her duties as...

May 07, 2005
  • ECU News Services

ECU graduates nearly 2,800

East Carolina University graduates were challenged today to embrace their leadership. Henry Williamson, recently retired as chief operating officer of BB&T Corp., and an ECU alumnus, said, “As you enter...

May 06, 2005
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

Photodynamic therapy team adds another first

In late April, the photodynamic therapy team at the Leo W. Jenkins Cancer Center added to its list of accomplishments by treating a patient with esophageal cancer. A 76-year-old woman...

Apr 28, 2005
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

Former surgeon general to speak at medical convocation

A former U.S. surgeon general will present the convocation address to the East Carolina University medical school class of 2005 on May 6. The Brody School of Medicine convocation honoring...

Apr 27, 2005
  • ECU News Services

Alumni Association announces Robert H. Wright recipients

The East Carolina Alumni Association has selected five graduating seniors to receive the 2005 Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award. The award is the most prestigious presented to undergraduate students...