News Archives

Jason Higginson, Brody School of Medicine executive dean and chief health officer for ECU Health, took over command Jan. 21 of the Navy Reserve Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command–Bethesda.
Jan 25, 2023
  • Kelly Rogers Dilda


For someone who claims to not believe in multitasking, Jason Higginson certainly excels at it. In addition to serving as executive dean of East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine,...

East Carolina University's online master’s degree programs in nursing have been ranked in the top 10% in the U.S. for 2023.
Jan 24, 2023
  • Crystal Baity


East Carolina University’s online master’s degree programs in business, criminal justice, education and nursing are among the best in the nation in a new ranking by U.S. News & World...

East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine resident Charles Haddock explains a procedure to patient Santana McCoy at the school’s clinic in Hyde County.
Jan 23, 2023
  • Spaine Stephens


Once a month, the post office building on Main Street in Swan Quarter also serves as the area’s only oral health care location for miles around. East Carolina University’s School...

A new grant from the North Carolina State Office of Digital Equity and Literacy will focus on bridging the digital equity divide experienced by rural and underserved communities.
Jan 20, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward


East Carolina University is receiving $1.39 million for a collaborative project that aims to improve access to digital technology and literacy, resources and skills training for residents in 29 eastern...

Identical twins Madison and Skylar Rogan are enrolled in the College of Allied Health Science’s Occupational Therapy master’s degree program at East Carolina University.
Jan 17, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel


The first thing you need to know about the Rogan sisters is simple, but helpful — Skylar wears glasses and Madison doesn’t. For identical twins who are as identical as...

Student volunteers watch as a HABIT study participant practices buttoning a shirt during the study. The program aims to help children with cerebral palsy enhance bimanual skill learning and brain function.
Jan 12, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel


“I said HUT! I said HUT!” Three young boys roughhousing an improvised game of football in an East Carolina University conference room on a cool, overcast late fall day wasn’t...

Paxton Dettor, left, works with Sue Wright during a physical therapy clinic led by the College of Allied Health Sciences focused on patients with Parkinson's disease.
Jan 09, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel


One of the ironies of Parkinson’s disease, which is marked by an increasing inability for sufferers to control their movements, is that movement helps to stave off the disease’s progression....

East Carolina University alumni Sophia and Peter Ku have established an endowment to honor the kindness shown to them at ECU.
Jan 05, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


Peter Ku ’68 describes his life as a series of miracles that brought him to the United States from Taiwan and eventually to East Carolina College where he found the...

Teandrea Wilkins is working hard to achieve his goals while also staying involved with his community.
Jan 04, 2023
  • Hannah Eccleston

Student: Teandrea Wilkins

Teandrea Wilkins is reflecting on his academic journey as he enters his final semester at East Carolina University. “It has been a long journey, considering everything from kindergarten until now,”...

Susannah Berry is committed to children and to educating those who teach them through her many roles in ECU’s College of Health and Human Performance.
Jan 03, 2023
  • Ken Buday

Faculty: Susannah Berry

One bragged to her about having new pink shoes. Another presented her with a tin full of muffins — muffins made of leaves picked up from the playground, but when...