News Archives

Kim Larson, left, Ganna Rozumna and Natalia Sira discuss a nursing collaboration project. Larson is the first member of East Carolina University's College of Nursing to receive a Fulbright Scholar award.
Apr 24, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel


Kim Larson, an East Carolina University professor of nursing, learned in February that she would be the first member of the College of Nursing to receive a Fulbright Scholar award,...

East Carolina University will recognize more than 4,500 Pirates at its Spring 2023 commencement on May 5.
Apr 20, 2023
  • Jules Norwood


East Carolina University will celebrate the graduation of more than 4,500 Pirates along with their friends and families at 10 a.m. May 5 in Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium. Freeman A. Hrabowski III,...

The final performance of the semester for East Carolina University's Loessin Playhouse begins Wednesday as the School of Theatre and Dance presents “Pride and Prejudice” running until April 23.
Apr 19, 2023
  • Hannah Eccleston


For the final performance of the semester, East Carolina University and Loessin Playhouse will present “Pride and Prejudice” running from April 19-23 in McGinnis Theatre. The show is a theatrical...

Image of ECU letters at Main Campus Student Center.
Apr 18, 2023
  • Jules Norwood


East Carolina University Chancellor Philip Rogers was recognized for his service to the American Council on Education (ACE) and other educational organizations during the annual meeting of the National Association...

Faculty members who received the UNC System Board of Governors Distinguished Professor for Teaching Awards stand with Provost Robin Coger, left, and Faculty Chair Anne Ticknor and Chancellor Philip Rogers, right.
Apr 14, 2023
  • Crystal Baity


East Carolina University recognized and celebrated outstanding faculty members during the 2023 University Teaching Awards ceremony Tuesday night in the Murphy Center. “I’m so proud we’re a university that offers...

Elizabeth LaFave, center, celebrates winning the sixth annual Pirate Entrepreneurship Challenge for her business idea, Invenire, which is latin for to discover.
Apr 11, 2023
  • Michael Rudd


In 2019, East Carolina University graduate student Elizabeth LaFave was analyzing samples for the Country Doctor Museum in Bailey. The relationship soon revealed the museum was suffering the effects of...

Apr 10, 2023
  • Spaine Stephens

Student: Temilade Aladeniyi

Temilade Aladeniyi is a people person — and she’s using that trait to make a difference in the lives of all those she meets. Aladeniyi, who goes by “Lade,” is...

Apr 10, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward


Donors and the merchandising advisory board are instrumental to the success of students and faculty in the East Carolina University Department of Interior Design and Merchandising. One evolving aspect is...

East Carolina University held its seventh annual Research and Scholarship Awards Ceremony, honoring faculty members across disciplines for their research success.
Apr 06, 2023
  • Kim Tilghman


East Carolina University held its seventh annual Research and Scholarship Awards Ceremony Wednesday evening, recognizing faculty members whose works have led to important discoveries and impactful inventions and who have...

Apr 06, 2023
  • Kim Tilghman


Passionate about his work, his students, his colleagues, East Carolina University and our planet, Yu “Frank” Yang, professor of chemistry is this year’s recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for...