News Archives

Jul 11, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Brody graduate dies in bicycle crash

A graduate of the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University died Friday, July 8, after a collision with a car during the running of "The Grizzly," a bicycling...

Jul 09, 2011
  • Judy Currin

Good preparation helps Sharpe face crises head on

Sharon Sharpe is ready when disaster strikes. She understands the importance of having a survival kit and a plan in place for whatever may come, thanks to her training as...

Taking part in the ECU athletic conditioning camp are, left to right, Korim Topping, Duncan Long, Marnie Jones, Sammy Lucas, Dave Kemble, Nicole Mallard and Kirk Roberson. (Contributed photos)
Jul 08, 2011
  • Kathy Muse

Kids work out and shape up at ECU

Local school children who play sports recently had the opportunity to get a leg up on their competition. Athletes in grades 6-12 spent a portion of their summer on the...

ECU Chancellor Steve Ballard addresses questions from local media about the impact on ECU of the recently announced UNC Board of Governors' budget cuts for UNC Institutions. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jul 08, 2011
  • Mary Schulken

BUDGET CUTS: Academic core will feel pain

East Carolina University’s top leadership told the campus community to expect a reshaped university as decisions about jobs and programs are made to absorb a 16 percent cut in state...

Jul 07, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Robotic thyroid surgery means no neck scarring for patients

Lauren Castelloe recently had thyroid surgery, but you would never know by looking at her neck. That's because robot-assisted surgery is giving patients in eastern North Carolina the option of...

Jun 30, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Conference encourages people to take control of their diabetes

John Fluegel said he'd probably be dead if not for the health care he has received from East Carolina University's diabetes experts. The 75-year-old lives in rural Wilson County and...

Jun 30, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Cancer center receives Livestrong award

The Leo W. Jenkins Cancer Center has received a national award that will help cancer patients improve their lives following treatment for their disease. The center received a Livestrong Community...

Jun 24, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Future medical student getting head start on research

One member of the South Central High School class of 2011 already has the next several years of her life mapped out. Shayna Mooney will attend East Carolina University through...

Jun 24, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Grant to help fight diabetes among African-American women

East Carolina University has received $300,000 to help African-American women fight type 2 diabetes. The two-year grant from the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation will help fund efforts by ECU faculty members...

At the Middle School Innovators Academy graduation ceremony at ECU June 23, creative young thinkers showed their new product concepts. The Pitt County middle schoolers developed the concepts during a two-week program using facilities at ECU's Innovation Design Lab. (Slideshow photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jun 23, 2011
  • Joy Holster

‘Up by the bootstraps’: developing creative young minds at ECU’s Innovators Academy

Building a shiny new factory in a small, quiet community: that’s how most people envision economic development, said Wayne Godwin, director of East Carolina University’s Innovation Design Lab. But that’s...