News Archives

Aug 05, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

White coat ceremony to be Friday, Aug. 12

The Class of 2015 of the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University will be welcomed officially at noon Friday, Aug. 12, during the annual white coat ceremony. The...

Aug 03, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Center provides new home for artists, second career for nursing faculty member

Karen Krupa’s former East Carolina University nursing students might have done a double take browsing in the Inner Banks Artisans’ Center in Washington. “They’ll say, ‘don’t I know you from...

Karen Krupa, faculty member in the ECU College of Nursing, and her husband Bob Henkel have opened the Inner Banks Artisans' Center in Washington, N.C. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 03, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

SECOND CAREER: New center provides home for artists

Karen Krupa’s former East Carolina University nursing students might have done a double take browsing in the Inner Banks Artisans’ Center in Washington. “They’ll say, ‘don’t I know you from...

Aug 02, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Bakersville resident receives first Phillips Foundation dental scholarship

A resident of Bakersville in Mitchell County is the recipient of a scholarship at the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine. Kyle Duncan, a May graduate of Appalachian State...

Aug 02, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

ECU to build dental center in Spruce Pine

The mountain town of Spruce Pine has been selected as the site of an educational and patient-care facility of the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine. ECU announced Tuesday,...

Aug 02, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Shooter drill tests emergency preparedness on Health Sciences Campus

It was only a drill, but police officers and preparedness officials at East Carolina University got a taste Aug. 2 of what it might be like if a worst-case public...

Four ECU experts on coastal dynamics have written a new book, “The Battle for North Carolina’s Coast.” They are, left to right, Stanley Riggs, Dorothea Ames, Stephen Culver, and David Mallinson, all of the Department of Geological Sciences. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 01, 2011
  • ECU News Services

ECU experts pen book on North Carolina’s coast

North Carolina’s barrier islands, a 325-mile-long string of narrow sand islands that forms the coast of North Carolina, are one of the most beloved areas to live and visit in...

Jul 27, 2011
  • ECU News Services

SHOOTER DRILL: ECU tests readiness Aug. 2

East Carolina University officials plan a full-scale emergency drill Tuesday, Aug. 2, at the Health Sciences Building on the Health Sciences campus. This drill, a normal part of ECU emergency...

Jul 26, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Little girl survives shark attack with help of ECU surgeons

Smiling, making faces and snuggling with a stuffed dolphin, 6-year-old Lucy Mangum looked to be having fun early Tuesday morning. That must have been a great relief for her parents,...

Jul 26, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Girl survives shark bite with help of ECU surgeons

Smiling, making faces and snuggling with a stuffed dolphin, 6-year-old Lucy Mangum looked to be having fun early Tuesday morning. That must have been a great relief for her parents,...