News Archives

Dr. Parmalee Hawk, center, former associate dean from the ECU College of Education, competes with Jeanne A. Stone in a virtual game of bowling, as part of research under way by ECU graduate student Whitney Sauter. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 22, 2011
  • Kathy Muse

Wii are Fit: Study Helps Seniors Stay on their Feet

Swinging her arm back, Claudine Humphrey releases the ball down the alley toward the pins. She’s bowling again. But this time it’s different. Humphrey is one of 15 seniors who...

Parents, friends and even youth pastors helped incoming students set up their rooms for the fall semester Aug. 18, when East Carolina University opened residences hall for moving in. Among those settling in their rooms at Garrett Hall were members of the ECU Honors College, which draws academically gifted students to campus. The first day of classes is set for Tuesday, Aug. 23. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 18, 2011
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson

‘Spirited campus’ comes alive on move-in day

Get ready for the traffic in Greenville to increase and restaurants to get a little more crowded. East Carolina University residence halls began move-in on Thursday. Through Sunday, approximately 5,500...

Aug 17, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Camp provides tools for healthful living

When Josh Wall's campers return home, he's encouraged they will use what they learned the past three weeks to remain physically fit and active. Wall, an East Carolina University exercise...

Aug 17, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Students receive Schweitzer Fellowships

Six students from East Carolina University have received Schweitzer Fellowships for 2011. The students commit to a year of service with a community agency, devoting more than 600 hours to...

Campers enjoy a game of basketball at the Take Off 4-Health healthy lifestyle camp, a program that works to instill healthy habits for overweight youth. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 17, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Take Off 4-Health camp provides tools for healthy living

When Josh Wall’s campers return home, he’s encouraged they will use what they learned the past three weeks to remain physically fit and active. Wall, an East Carolina University exercise...

Aug 16, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Hupp resigns as dean of dental school

Dr. James R. Hupp, dean of the School of Dental Medicine at East Carolina University, has resigned from that position and plans to remain on the faculty of the school,...

Aug 15, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Dental students enjoy first day at ECU

Maggie Nelms loved her undergraduate years at East Carolina University, and she wanted her dental school tuition to stay in her home state. Thus, the newest dental school in the...

Aug 12, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Brody welcomes Class of 2015

The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University celebrated the start of medical school for 78 new students by presenting each with a white coat during a ceremony Aug....

Blair Fuller, president of ECU's Multicultural Student Nursing Association, spearheaded the production of a cookbook that highlights cultural diversity within the College of Nursing. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 11, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Student nursing association highlights culture, cuisine with new cookbook

This fall, East Carolina University nursing students will share a meal and learn something about each other at the same time. The Multicultural Student Nursing Association will host a potluck...

Aug 08, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

College of Nursing among tops in nation for way it teaches students

East Carolina University’s College of Nursing is among eight schools in the nation to receive top recognition for the way it teaches students. ECU has been named a Center of...