News Archives

Sep 09, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Voice of the Pirates hosts motorcycle ride in memory of his daughter

The highways of eastern North Carolina will rumble Sept. 17 as nearly 100 motorcycles roll to raise money for a scholarship fund at East Carolina University. Leading the way on...

Jeff Charles hosts an annual motorcycle ride to benefit a scholarship fund in memory of his daughter. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 09, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Riding for a cause

The highways of eastern North Carolina rumbled Sept. 17 as nearly 100 motorcycles rolled to raise money for a scholarship fund at East Carolina University. Leading the way on their...

Sep 09, 2011
  • Crystal Baity
  • Doug Boyd
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson
  • Joy Holster
  • Mary Schulken

9/11 at ECU: ‘Innocence died that day’

Ongoing concerns ECU Dean of Students Lynn Roeder was in the worst possible place she could be on 9/11 – away from the ECU campus. She was attending a conference...

From left to right, senior class officers who led fundraising efforts are pictured with Dr. Kim Larson, assistant professor of nursing, at left, class vice president Rachel Steeb, historian Logan Monroe, secretary Paige Ray, treasurer Natalie Tyson, and president Kaitlyn Whitlock. Photo by Cliff Hollis, ECU News Services.
Sep 08, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Nursing class gift completed for village in Guatemala

GREENVILLE, N.C. (Sept. 8, 2011) — A village in Guatemala now has safe drinking water thanks to a class gift from May graduates of the East Carolina University College of...

Occupational therapy student Trey Elam wants to join the Navy as an occupational therapist after graduation. At ECU and in volunteer activities, he has proven to be a strong student leader. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 07, 2011
  • Crystal Baity

Leadership for all

Trey Elam’s leadership experience started early, in church, where he still volunteers as a Baptist Men’s Association World Changer. The 24-year-old occupational therapy graduate student is student liaison to the...

Sep 07, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Scientist receives grant to study health effects of nanoparticles

An East Carolina University toxicologist is studying the health risks associated with nanoparticle exposure with help from a $143,308 grant. Dr. Jared Brown, an assistant professor in the Department of...

Sep 07, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Chadwick named interim dean of ECU dental school

Dr. Gregory Chadwick, associate dean for planning and extramural affairs at the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine, has been named interim dean of the school, officials announced today....

Sep 06, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Experimental drug available for people with lipodystrophy

People in eastern North Carolina who have a rare condition that prevents them from being able to store fat might benefit from an investigational protocol East Carolina University physicians are...

ECU Facilities Services employee Matt Vayo works to remove debris on campus following Hurricane Irene. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 01, 2011
  • Jeannine Manning Hutson
  • Joy Holster
  • Judy Currin

GOODBYE, IRENE: ‘Everyone pulled together’

As Hurricane Irene raged across Greenville, the phones in the East Carolina University Police Department were busy. Really busy. “We were getting all kinds of calls,” said Maj. Frank Knight....

Aug 31, 2011
  • Doug Boyd

Irene causes leaks but no severe damage on Health Sciences Campus

Fallen and leaning trees and building leaks were the main damage caused by Hurricane Irene on the East Carolina University health sciences campus. At the Health Sciences Building, windows and...