A film crew zoomed in as tiny shovels plunged into sand on a playground at East Carolina University. Dinosaurs were buried there – toy replicas carefully stashed by ECU professor...
A film crew zoomed in as tiny shovels plunged into sand on a playground at East Carolina University. Dinosaurs were buried there – toy replicas carefully stashed by ECU professor...
East Carolina University has been named one of the best colleges in the Southeast region based on its academic programs by The Princeton Review – an educational services company known...
East Carolina University launched its 2012 fall semester Aug. 20 with traditional events welcoming both seasoned and fledgling Pirates. Students energized by convocation and a pep rally poured into Dowdy-Ficklen...
The freshman class of Honors College students – welcomed to East Carolina University on Aug. 16 – spent their first full day on campus giving back to the community....
A book titled “Half the Sky” – which tells of oppression of women and girls in the developing world – led ECU graduate Megan Keels to a bold decision. In...
Garrett Hall has changed in the 30 years since Carla Manning Lilley lived in the same room that her daughter, East Carolina University freshman Ashton Lilley, moved in Thursday. But...
Freshman Honors College students can expect to see a lot of familiar faces when they move into Garrett Residence Hall on Aug. 16, thanks to a new summer series instituted...
Approximately 5,600 incoming Pirates converged on campus Aug. 16 when East Carolina University opened residence halls for move in. The welcome will extend to more than 27,000 students when fall...
Twenty-seven East Carolina University medical students participated in the 15th annual Summer Scholars Research Program at the Brody School of Medicine. Many of the projects students work on address health...
More than 90 budding thespians came to ECU’s Drama Camp in Messick Theatre Arts Center Aug. 6-10 for theatre arts instruction ranging from scriptwriting to applying stage makeup and...