East Carolina University will soon be researching new ways to maintain and rebuild North Carolina’s cherished coastline following damage from hurricanes and tropical storms. In a two-year cooperative agreement with...
East Carolina University will soon be researching new ways to maintain and rebuild North Carolina’s cherished coastline following damage from hurricanes and tropical storms. In a two-year cooperative agreement with...
Believed to be the first of its kind in the state, a barrier installed by East Carolina University researchers is reducing nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in eastern North Carolina groundwater. Dr. Charles...
East Carolina University’s first STEM to STEAM summer camp challenged 25 elementary to high school students to make connections between technology and art. Hosted by the School of Art and...
East Carolina University is taking steps to strengthen its record on campus security at the same time a University of North Carolina report has outlined system-wide best practices on safety...
Four East Carolina University staff members began one-year terms as officers of the Staff Senate Executive Committee on June 1. The new officers are Mary Schiller, chair; Lisa Ormond, chair-elect;...
Just a couple of months ago, Nadiya Yerich was at her Havelock High School graduation. Now, she’s already well into her college coursework while most of her freshmen classmates are...
Children with communication delays related to autism and other disorders are learning about making friends while improving their verbal skills at East Carolina University’s Pirate Speech Camp. Allyson Turnage, a...
Ten-year-old Tyrrek Grizzle took control of his paddle, maneuvering his miniature land mover with ease. He and a teammate moved his robot across a grid and past an opponent to...
An anonymous gift of $1 million will enable the Family Autism Center at East Carolina University to increase professional staff and expand services for people with autism in eastern North...
Words alone seemed insufficient, so faculty and students who lived and studied this spring in the heart of Tuscany shared their experiences through the video posted above. The video illustrates...