News Archives

Oct 10, 2014
  • Crystal Baity


Eighth-grader Beyoncé Best portrayed a plant manager for a Goldfish cracker manufacturing facility in an exercise Oct. 10 at East Carolina University. When there were too few red crackers to...

Oct 06, 2014
  • Joy Holster


A satellite image of western North Carolina from the first weekend in October might reveal vibrant shades of fall. But in the East, purple and gold prevailed. Pirate pride was...

Dr. Dave Brown, left, and Dr. Raz Shaikh collaborated on an NIH grant that will enable them to study methods for protecting the heart during a heart attack. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Oct 06, 2014
  • Kathryn Kennedy


Drs. David Brown and S. Raza Shaikh have very different scientific skill sets. They might never have met if not for a multi-disciplinary research group based at East Carolina University....

ECU senior Coriyon Arrington works in a biomedical instrumentation lab in the engineering department at East Carolina University. Created in response to regional industry needs for a skilled workforce, the department celebrates 10 years on Oct. 3. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Oct 03, 2014
  • Crystal Baity


East Carolina University’s engineering program launched at a perfect time for Kyle Barnes. The 2004 Roanoke Rapids High School graduate planned to enroll at ECU for two years and then...

Oct 03, 2014
  • Amy Adams Ellis


The leader of the nation’s top military hospital made a stop at East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine on Oct. 2 to share his medical and leadership philosophy with...

Underwater explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau visited with East Carolina University students Oct. 1 before delivering the premier lecture for the Voyages of Discovery lecture series on campus. Cousteau urged better management of the Earth's oceans, which make up 75 percent of the planet. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Oct 02, 2014
  • Lacey L. Gray


Renowned underwater explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau urged action to protect endangered ocean resources in a presentation Wednesday, Oct. 1 at East Carolina University. “Marine debris is a global problem with a...

Oct 01, 2014
  • Grace Haskin


The stage of McGinnis Theatre has been transformed into a grim post-World War II New Orleans for the upcoming production of “A Streetcar Named Desire.” The East Carolina University School...

ECU students work in the computer lab in the College of Engineering and Technology, which prepares students to enter the workforce with skills that are currently in demand by major IT corporations. ECU has been ranked among the top in the nation for preparing its graduates to succeed in the workforce.
Oct 01, 2014
  • ECU News Services


East Carolina University is ranked No. 4 out of more than 1,200 universities in the nation by Educate To Career in its 2015 College Rankings Index. The rankings provide “actual...

Sep 29, 2014
  • Crystal Baity


Three years ago, East Carolina University’s Kim Walters donated a kidney to her husband, Dean, whose own kidneys failed after almost 30 years with diabetes. Three months later, Dean walked...

Sep 26, 2014
  • ECU News Services


East Carolina University’s Joyner Library and Department of English marked Banned Books Week Sept. 25 with a Read Out at the Sonic Plaza near Joyner Library. Banned Books Week is...