The Campus Kitchens Project empowers students to create sustainable solutions to food waste and hunger. In the 2014-2015 academic year, with its highest numbers to date, ECU: Had more than...
The Campus Kitchens Project empowers students to create sustainable solutions to food waste and hunger. In the 2014-2015 academic year, with its highest numbers to date, ECU: Had more than...
Hundreds of pairs of shoes, each with a story to tell, filled the mall near the cupola on East Carolina University’s campus on Feb. 11. The S.H.O.E.S. Project, which stands...
Dan Blocker is learning to pay more attention to where he turns, and why, when it comes to discussing disagreements with his wife. Blocker, a medical family therapy doctoral student...
Universities play a leading role in changing communities, and East Carolina University has been recognized as a leader among North Carolina institutions. Chancellor Steve Ballard today received the Leo M....
An increase in private investment over the past year is expanding educational opportunities for health sciences students at East Carolina University and improving quality of care for patients. Through January...
The issues and challenges surrounding teen health were the focus of the 12th annual Jean Mills Health Symposium, held Feb. 5 at the East Carolina Heart Institute at East Carolina...
One East Carolina University student’s research could help museums, plantations and Civil War sites in ongoing efforts to present a balanced view of history and to attract more minority visitors....
Throughout a decades-long reproductive lifespan, the human male body maintains a delicate balance related to sperm production that has direct public health implications related to both infertility and testicular cancer....
Members of the Chancellor Search Committee met Jan. 28 to discuss how they will review potential candidates for the next leader of East Carolina University. “The process is going as...
From contemporary to classical ballet, a diverse mix of styles will highlight East Carolina University’s Dance 2016 opening Jan. 28. Drew Yowell, an ECU junior who will dance in works...