News Archives

From left to right: Secretary Alex Prunka, Vice President Janae Brown, President Ryan Beeson and Treasurer Dallas Owens. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jul 13, 2016
  • Sophronia Knott


East Carolina University’s new Student Government Association officers are excited for the upcoming school year. The new officers are President Ryan Beeson, Vice President Janae Brown, Treasurer Dallas Owens, Secretary...

ECU College of Education alumni traveled to the Dominican Republic to work with the people of La Romana. Pictured left to right: Joelle Trongone ’09, Stephanie Powers ’08, Hilary Patty ’11, Michelle Kessler ’00, Michelle Money ’96, Megan Neal ’09, Jami Dickerson ’09, Cathy Kirkland ’90 ’04; Rear: Andrew Kievit ’96; Not pictured: Toni Sheriff ’11, Nicole Hitchens ’11 ’16. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Jul 08, 2016
  • Jamie Smith


Two words – you matter – inspired 11 East Carolina University College of Education alumni to take the message of love and encouragement they helped cultivate at Eastern Elementary School...

With the use of telepsychiatry, Brody School of Medicine psychiatrists like Dr. Toni Johnson (on screen) can connect with patients in hospital emergency departments statewide. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jul 08, 2016
  • ECU News Services


In any industry, the quality of service or whether one receives services at all hinges on one critical element: access. For those needing mental health services, the North Carolina Statewide...

Before the new student center on main campus can go up, vital underground utilities must be laid down, like power, water, storm water, sewer and communication lines. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jul 06, 2016
  • Jackie Drake


Members of the East Carolina community walking or driving by campus can see lots of construction this summer - but there's even more going on that can't always be seen....

Alani Guillaume, age 10, from Chesapeake, Virginia searches through a seine net for fish and crabs to examine during the CSI summer camp. (Photos by Jay Clark)
Jul 05, 2016
  • Jules Norwood


The campers filed back into the lab after spending the morning collecting water samples at several sites in the ocean and sound along North Carolina’s Outer Banks. After watching a...

ECU’s 11th chancellor, Dr. Cecil Staton, orders a morning coffee before beginning his first day on the job. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jul 01, 2016
  • Jamie Smith


East Carolina University’s 11th chancellor, Dr. Cecil Staton, started his first day like most anyone else – ordering coffee. He walked to Wright Plaza and chatted with students and staff...

ECU Police has earned dual accreditation from two nationally recognized law enforcement organizations. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jun 28, 2016
  • Jamie Smith


The East Carolina University Police Department is one of two universities in the UNC system to earn dual accreditation from nationally recognized law enforcement organizations. ECU Police has been certified...

Jun 27, 2016
  • Crystal Baity


It was a shorter paddle than expected but still a success for East Carolina University boatbuilding student Grace Joyner and her classmates. After five weeks of painstaking work, Joyner's final...

REU students use ultrasound to study arm movements. Dr. Zachary Domire, associate professor in the ECU Department of Kinesiology, works with Jennifer Rickens, an undergraduate student at Thiel College, on table, and Kylee Schaffer, a Robert Morris University student. Rickens is getting a muscle ultrasound. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jun 24, 2016
  • Rich Klindworth


Undergraduates from colleges across the United States are working on research projects alongside East Carolina University students this summer in two 10-week programs supported by the National Science Foundation. The...

Physical therapy students James Montgomery and Amalia Kondyles guide Annie May through a fall risk assessment at Black Jack Original Free Will Baptist Church in June. Students and faculty from occupational therapy and physician assistant studies also participated in the day-long clinic. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Jun 24, 2016
  • Kathryn Kennedy


A team of East Carolina University graduate students from three College of Allied Health Sciences disciplines spent a recent Friday conducting a fall prevention clinic for seniors - and also...