News Archives

Pictured: ECU cupola under the sun
Aug 15, 2016
  • Rich Klindworth


East Carolina University supporters are making a habit of breaking records. When the fiscal year 2015-16 closed, commitments to the university totaled more than $56 million, topping last year's total...

Melissa Dowland, coordinator of teacher education at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, shows teachers an abandoned mud dauber nest found outside Eastern Elementary School in Greenville. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 12, 2016
  • Crystal Baity


Chasing June bugs, examining abandoned mud dauber nests and collecting tree droppings highlighted the first few hours of a weeklong East Carolina University summer institute for elementary school science teachers....

Police block a Cleveland street to prevent a protest march from deviating from the approved route. (Contributed photos)
Aug 12, 2016
  • Jules Norwood


After attending both major political conventions this summer, an East Carolina University sociology professor is shaping new research around large-scale protests and police response tactics. There is a continuous adaptation...

Aug 11, 2016
  • Rich Klindworth


Dr. Joe Houmard and Dr. Paul DeVita in East Carolina University’s College of Health and Human Performance have been named the first two LeRoy T. Walker Distinguished Professors. The endowed...

Nutrition Science student and camp counselor Jared Lowe leads a group of campers during a mile-long hike as part of the Love A Sea Turtle program’s education efforts. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 11, 2016
  • Kelly Rogers Dilda


Students from the department of nutrition sciences are teaching at-risk youth the importance of healthy lifestyle choices as a partner in the Love A Sea Turtle (L.A.S.T.) program held at...

Associate Dean for Student Affairs Susan Schmidt helps incoming medical student Noopur Doshi into her white coat during Friday’s ceremony at the Brody School of Medicine. (Photos by Gretchen Baugh)
Aug 05, 2016
  • Jackie Drake


Third-year medical student Caitlin Durr was wearing a white coat in 90-degree heat at noon on Friday, but she still had goosebumps. She was preparing to lead her newest classmates...

East Carolina University football player Jeffrey Coprich honors his sister’s memory through the Essence K. Coprich library and book club. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 04, 2016
  • Sophronia Knott


East Carolina University football player and graduate student Jeffrey Coprich has turned a tragedy into a way to honor his sister while advocating a lifelong hobby – reading. On his...

Aug 01, 2016
  • Crystal Baity

Alumnus headed to Rio as U.S. track coach

Curtis Frye ’74 has had little downtime since being named an assistant coach for the U.S. Olympic men’s track team. In his 20th year as head coach at the University...

Dr. Robert Orlikoff started work as dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences on Aug. 1. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 01, 2016
  • Kathryn Kennedy


The College of Allied Health Sciences at East Carolina University officially welcomed a new leader on Aug. 1. Dr. Robert Orlikoff brings 28 years of experience in academic administration, education,...

Jul 29, 2016
  • Jackie Drake


Dr. Josh Corsa had just sat down and taken off his shoes for a short break after an already busy night at Orlando Regional Medical Center when he received a...