News Archives

Left to right, Renee Spain, Monica Newby, Jennifer Osborne and Ashley Holt work on hand maneuvers during delivery. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 29, 2016
  • Jules Norwood


As the fall semester began, distance education students in East Carolina University's master of science in nursing program gathered on campus for several days of hands-on training designed to prepare...

Aug 26, 2016
  • Jessica Nottingham


After spending more than 40 hours a week shadowing East Carolina University’s world-renowned robotic heart surgeons, two Honors College students embark on the new semester with lasting impressions and connections....

Jaye Holland leads a class exercise during a Teach Back session of the Family Life Institute at ECU. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 25, 2016
  • Jamie Smith


As school begins this fall, East Carolina University will play a major role in training health educators in K-12 schools across the state. For 28 years, the North Carolina School...

Class of 2020 Brody Scholars (from left) Katherine Mulligan, Chantel Morey and Bryan Morales (Photos by Gretchen Baugh)
Aug 25, 2016
  • Amy Adams Ellis


Three medical students at East Carolina University's Brody School of Medicine have been awarded the most prestigious scholarship available at the university. Bryan Morales, Chantel Morey and Katherine Mulligan have...

Aug 23, 2016
  • Jackie Drake


East Carolina University must up its game, Chancellor Cecil Staton told a gathering of alumni and supporters at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium on Monday night, but he wasn’t just talking about football....

ECU freshman Michael Holland and friends enjoy a pep rally during the 16th annual Student Welcome and Convocation at Minges Coliseum Aug. 21. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 22, 2016
  • Sophronia Knott


East Carolina University welcomed more than 4,300 first-year students during the annual Student Welcome and Convocation at Minges Coliseum Aug. 21. Guest speaker and ECU alumnus Greg Morin ’01, CEO...

Aug 19, 2016
  • Jules Norwood


During Friday morning’s Faculty Convocation, Chancellor Dr. Cecil Staton addressed East Carolina University’s faculty for the first time since beginning his role on July 1. Staton highlighted many of the...

Honors College student Tristan Kosich works at the Community Crossroads Center in Greenville as part of the annual service day activities. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 19, 2016
  • Jessica Nottingham


In less than 12 hours, Honors College freshmen went from moving into the residence hall and hugging family members goodbye to providing service in their new community. The Honors College...

Jonelle Romero volunteers at the Making Pitt Fit Community Garden in Greenville. Through the Access Scholarship, she’s gained volunteer experience that has helped her learn more about the correlation between working with plants and dentistry. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 19, 2016
  • Rich Klindworth


Student Jonelle Romero hopes to become a dentist one day, putting in motion East Carolina University’s mission to serve. As she prepares to help others, she’s also getting a little...

First-generation student Tierra Perry helps at Garrett Hall. She's enrolled in the Anchors Living-Learning Community, designed to help students who are the first in their families to attend college. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Aug 17, 2016
  • Crystal Baity
  • Jules Norwood


By 9 a.m. on Aug. 17, cars, trucks and SUVs lined the curb along Faculty Way as the first wave of students arrived to move into residence halls at East...