News Archives

Dr. Jon Kornegay discusses the challenges Duplin County faced during Hurricane Florence. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 28, 2018
  • Rob Spahr


When Hurricane Florence brought devastation to the Carolinas, students, faculty and alumni from the Brody School of Medicine made sure they were in position to serve the region’s patients and...

ECU College of Nursing faculty member Dr. Michelle Skipper, who was awarded the Governor’s Award for Public Service last year for helping St. Pauls residents after Hurricane Matthew in 2016, is back in action in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 26, 2018
  • Natalie Sayewich


The community of St. Pauls in southeastern North Carolina has become well versed in the damage that hurricanes can cause, and ECU College of Nursing faculty member Dr. Michelle Skipper...

Entrance to East Carolina Universityh
Sep 25, 2018
  • Jules Norwood


East Carolina University has a new tool to use in its effort to help students earn a college degree. RaiseMe is a platform through which high school and community college...

Yeargan Pirate Profile
Sep 24, 2018
  • Bri Deel

Student: Bennett Yeargan

Bennett Yeargan has gone above and beyond to help and serve others through his knowledge and expertise in his two fields of study: accounting and German language and literature. Yeargan...

Makayla Harris (left), Madison Weeks and Erin Mackey are the current Gordon Darragh scholarship recipients. Their four-year scholarship covers tuition, fees, room and board, and emphasizes leadership development. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 21, 2018
  • Erin Ward


A lesser-known scholarship at East Carolina University valued at up to $100,000 aims to attract high achieving students on par with North Carolina State’s Park Scholarship and the Morehead-Cain Scholarship...

Holly Pittard, second-year Brody School of Medicine student, unloads water from an SUV at the Walter B. Jones Center in Pitt County. (ECU Photo by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 19, 2018
  • Jules Norwood
  • Rob Spahr


Hurricane Florence made a sharp left turn as it made landfall in southeastern North Carolina, sparing Greenville from the worst of its fury. Now, Pirates are responding, banding together to...

ECU alumnus Todd Burdick of Garner unloads food he brought Tuesday, Sept. 18, for university relief efforts as ECU junior Davis Basden and Sharon Paynter of ECU’s Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement assist. Burdick works for a commercial food broker. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 18, 2018
  • Doug Boyd


East Carolina University has set up a recovery operations center for those affected by Hurricane Florence and created a website where individuals and businesses may request assistance and the ECU...

The new Goshen Medical Center mobile medical van will transport health care providers and medical equipment to provide care in remote areas of eastern North Carolina. (Photo by Matt Smith)
Sep 10, 2018
  • Natalie Sayewich


A fourth year of funding for ECU’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) will mean new ways for seniors in eastern North Carolina to access health care. GWEP, initially funded by...

ECU alumna Nia Franklin has been named Miss America 2019.
Sep 10, 2018
  • Erin Ward


Nia Franklin, a Winston-Salem native and East Carolina University music composition graduate, was crowned Miss America on Sunday night. Franklin is the 92nd Miss America and the first winner to...

Members of the ECU Board of Trustees toured the College of Nursing and the College of Allied Health, including this simulated operating room. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Sep 07, 2018
  • ECU News Services


During its regular meeting on Sept. 6-7, the East Carolina University Board of Trustees received an update on enrollment numbers for the 2018-2019 academic year. Total enrollment is 28,718 students,...