News Archives

May 20, 2019
  • Lacey L. Gray


This May, three East Carolina University health psychology doctoral students were commissioned into the U.S. Air Force, bringing the total to four students commissioned from one program in the past...

May 17, 2019
  • Matt Smith


An East Carolina University associate professor will travel to Zambia next year to assist in water quality testing of the African nation’s groundwater system. Alex Manda, a hydrogeologist in the...

May 16, 2019
  • Erin Ward


In the world of university advancement, institutions are ultimately judged by the dollars that are brought in the door that help students achieve educational success and universities enhance resources. Providing...

May 15, 2019
  • Matt Smith


An East Carolina University faculty member is part of an international research team that may one day lead humans to use biology – not body chemistry – to find their...

May 14, 2019
  • Rob Spahr


A researcher at ECU’s Brody School of Medicine testified before a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee Wednesday, May 15, about the negative health effects of chemical compounds that are estimated...

ECU Baja team captain Evan Diener tests the buggy at the Blackjack Mx Off Road Park. (Contributed photos)
May 10, 2019
  • Jules Norwood


Even in high school, Evan Diener was interested in building a Baja buggy. “I had seen this program at other colleges, and it was something I was really interested in,”...

East Carolina University biology professor Chris Balakrishnan has been appointed as a temporary program director with the National Science Foundation’s Evolutionary Processes Cluster. The position allows Balakrishnan to make recommendations about which NSF research proposals to fund.
May 08, 2019
  • Matt Smith


An East Carolina University associate professor will have the chance to shape science funding at the national level during the next two years. Chris Balakrishnan, a faculty member in the...

May 07, 2019
  • Jules Norwood


Dr. Allison Danell, associate professor of chemistry, has been appointed interim dean of East Carolina University’s Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences (THCAS) effective July 1, pending approval by...

Pirate Profile: Andrew Griffin
May 06, 2019
  • Bri Deel

Student: Andrew Griffin

One challenge is just not enough for East Carolina University senior Andrew Griffin. Griffin, who graduated May 3, earned a degree in information and computer technology with a concentration in...

May 04, 2019
  • Crystal Baity
  • Jules Norwood


Actor Emily Procter turned the spotlight on more than 5,200 East Carolina University graduates on Friday. The ECU alumna and North Carolina native encouraged the students to persevere through challenges...