It has long been speculated by historians that the notorious pirate Blackbeard may have intentionally run his ship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge (QAR), aground off the coast of North Carolina...
It has long been speculated by historians that the notorious pirate Blackbeard may have intentionally run his ship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge (QAR), aground off the coast of North Carolina...
Married East Carolina University professors never expected a rogue storm to shipwreck their boat along the coast of North Carolina 35 years ago, but that is exactly what happened and...
Researchers from across the state came together Friday to share their work on the health and resiliency of North Carolina’s coast at the third annual Coastal Conversations Conference at East...
Researchers from across the state came together Friday to share their work on the health and resiliency of North Carolina’s coast at the third annual Coastal Conversations Conference at East...
In stuffing, soup or simply steamed, oysters are a part of many holiday food traditions. And making it easier for consumers to find oysters in other months – not just...
The beach isn’t just for spring break anymore. Up to 20 students will have the opportunity to spend the spring 2020 semester at East Carolina University’s Outer Banks Campus in...
Maybe more than most, students and faculty in the East Carolina University Program for Maritime Studies live a Pirate’s life, diving deep into the robust maritime history of coastal North...
What does West Africa’s coastline have in common with eastern North Carolina’s Outer Banks? A lot more than you might think, says East Carolina University assistant professor David Lagomasino. Lagomasino,...
More than 24 hours of air travel, the International Date Line and thousands of miles of open ocean separate Greenville from Saipan, but next summer a pair of East Carolina...
A nearly $300,000 grant will allow a team of researchers from East Carolina University to look at sea level rise and its impact on coastal communities. The $299,454, two-year grant...