Grant to help ECU recruit, retain minority dental students
East Carolina University is one of a handful of schools nationwide that is participating in a program to recruit and retain minority dental students....
East Carolina University is one of a handful of schools nationwide that is participating in a program to recruit and retain minority dental students....
Dr. Greg Chadwick, dean of the ECU School of Dental Medicine, was named International Dentist of the Year by the Academy of Dentistry International at the Academy’s USA Section Convocation...
Catherine Geneaux, an ECU alumna and speech language pathologist, spoke Nov. 9 about living and working in Alaska —where clinicians fly bush planes to see patients and many communities do...
The undergraduate Health Services Management program has been recertified for six years and has retained Full Certified Undergraduate Membership status with the Association of University Programs in Health Administration. As...
Dr. Denise Donica, assistant professor of occupational therapy at East Carolina University, has been appointed by Gov. Bev Perdue to a four-year term on the North Carolina Board of Occupational...
East Carolina University became Food Lion’s MVP this weekend when the grocery store chain donated $100,000 to support fellowships and a scholarship. The donation will establish the first university-wide...
Eleven occupational therapy graduate students at East Carolina University were inducted Oct. 29 in the Delta Beta Chapter of Pi Theta Epsilon, the honor society for occupational therapy students and...
The Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, edited by an East Carolina University faculty member, has come to the iPad. The November/December issue, focused on public health services and...
Dr. Don Berwick, an internationally known health care expert and former administrator of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, will talk about the Affordable Care Act Oct. 10 at the Brody...
East Carolina University’s Division of Health Sciences will host an interdisciplinary program, “Crossing Borders,” from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25 in the Brody School of Medicine Auditorium. The event will bring students and faculty from each of the health sciences disciplines - allied health sciences, dental medicine, Laupus Library, medicine and nursing - together with a focus on collaboration in education. Approximately 300 students have been invited....