Faculty/Staff Archives
Coghill article addresses patient care for homebound patients
Jeffrey Coghill of ECU's Laupus Library and Robin Pierce, a physical therapist with Gentiva Home Health, co-authored "Aortic Stenosis in the Home Care Setting," which appeared in The Quarterly Report...
Biology professor honored with service award
ECU biology professor Robert Christian was honored with a Distinguished Service Award from the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation during the federation’s biennial conference in Daytona Beach. Christian served two...
Life's work highlighted in News and Observer
Former Brody School of Medicine professor Dr. Sudesh Kataria, wife of retired BSOM faculty member Dr. Yash Kataria, was featured in a New & Observer article, "Lifestories: Kataria an early...
FaculTea set for Nov. 17
A FaculTea for East Carolina University faculty will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Nov. 17 in Joyner Library Conference Room 2409. Dr. Jennifer M. Valko, associate professor of...
Kolasa presents at conferences
East Carolina University professor Kathryn M. Kolasa, Family Medicine, presented at two conferences in early November. She presented "Strategies that work: Treating patients for obesity in primary care," at the...
In Memoriam: Yvonne R. McLawhorn
Yvonne R. McLawhorn of Greenville died Nov. 10. She was a 30-year employee of East Carolina University, retiring as an executive assistant in the School of Art.
ECU receives 10th Key Award, faculty attend international nursing convention
Several faculty members in the ECU College of Nursing attended the 41st Biennial Sigma Theta Tau International Convention Oct. 29-Nov. 2 in Grapevine, Texas. Elaine Scott, Pam Reis, Melissa Schwartz...
Allied Health Professions Week supplement features Heather Ramsdell
By Kit Roberson The ECU College of Allied Health Sciences is celebrating Allied Health Professions Week Nov. 6 - 12. Allied health professionals constitute 60 percent of all health care...
Articles published by occupational therapy faculty members
Occupational therapy faculty members in the College of Allied Health Sciences have recently published in professional journals. An article by Carol Lust and Denise Donica, "Research Scholars Initiative - Effectiveness...