Faculty/Staff Archives

Feb 09, 2012

Accounting professor publishes article

An article by Denise E. Dickens (Accounting), "An Examination of Partner Perceptions of Partner Rotation: Direct and Indirect Consequences to Audit Quality" was published in A Journal of Practice and...

Feb 08, 2012

Tenure, promotion workshops scheduled for Feb. 10

The Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women is sponsoring a Tenure and Promotion workshop and a Promotion workshop Feb. 10. Participants may register for either or both workshops by...

Feb 01, 2012

Student work highlighted in IMpact newsletter

A cancer research abstract by David Milbourn, a third-year medical student at ECU, is highlighted in the December issue of IMpact, the American College of Physicians internal medical newsletter for...

Feb 01, 2012

Work by ECU biology professor in high demand

An article co-authored by ECU biology professor Alexandros G. Georgakilas, “Duodenal carcinoma at the ligament of Treitz. A molecular and clinical perspective,” was published in BMC Gastroenterology and posted in...

Feb 01, 2012

ECU events to focus on importance of languages

East Carolina University will celebrate International Mother Language Day Feb. 21 - 23 to highlight the need for recognizing and preserving linguistic diversity. Coordinating the event at ECU is Ricard...

Feb 01, 2012

Stebnicki publishes 6th edition text

ECU Rehabilitation Studies professor Dr. Mark Stebnicki, with co-editor Dr. Irmo Marini of UT-Pan American, has published a new psychosocial text, "The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability,"...

Feb 01, 2012

Tuten named director of Dowdy Student Stores

The interim director of Dowdy Student Stores at East Carolina University was selected as director effective Feb. 1.  Bryan Tuten, who has worked at ECU since 1996, has served in...

Jan 30, 2012

Escott-Stump meets Michelle Obama at Virginia event

East Carolina University dietetic internship program director Sylvia Escott-Stump met First Lady Michelle Obama Jan. 29 at an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics event in Fairfax County, Va. Escott-Stump is...

Jan 30, 2012

Research vessel named for ECU professor emeritus Stanley Riggs

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sRj0gMrs_8 Geology professor emeritus Stanley R. Riggs talks about the history of coastal research at ECU and the school's new research vessel named for him, the R/V Stanley R. Riggs....

Jan 30, 2012

College of Business faculty publish articles

Faculty in the College of Business have published the following articles: By Denise E Dickins (Accounting), "Do audit committee members care about audit engagement partner rotation?" in Today's CPA, and...