Housekeepers award recipients named
The 2012 Fourth Quarter Housekeepers Awards for Excellence recipients, for service, are Mitchell Lane and Dennis Patrick with Academics, Herman Jenkins with Health Sciences Campus / School of Medicine, and...
The 2012 Fourth Quarter Housekeepers Awards for Excellence recipients, for service, are Mitchell Lane and Dennis Patrick with Academics, Herman Jenkins with Health Sciences Campus / School of Medicine, and...
A book co-edited by ECU English professor Dr. Kenneth Parille, "The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist," was selected by the Washington Post as one of its Best Books of...
An article co-authored by Mary Crozier, Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies, "Codependence with hypersexual and gambling disorder," appeared in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions. An article by Twyla Perryman,...
Two articles by ECU accounting professor Denise E. Dickins were published recently: "New Evidence on the Incremental Information Content of Earnings Reported Using the LIFO Inventory Method," in the journal...
Members of ECU’s Academic Advising Department won a “best poster” award at the National Symposium on Student Retention, held Oct. 29-31 in New Orleans. Authors Jayne Geissler, John Trifilo,...
An article by accounting professor Denise E. Dickins, College of Business, "Rules or Consequences: Which Matter More to CPA-practitioners," appeared in the Small Business Institute Journal.
The 2012 Facilities Services Supervisors Awards for Excellence recipients include, for service, James Lewis with Building Trades, Facilities Services – Health Sciences Campus; and for ambition, Tommy Walston with Grounds...
William C. Friday, president emeritus of the University of North Carolina, died Oct. 12 on the 219 birthday of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was 92....
East Carolina University employees are encouraged to sign up for electronic W-2's. Sign up is available by accessing the OneStop Tools page/Banner and clicking on Banner Self Service. Then select...
Richard Page Hudson Jr. of Asheville, former professor and pathologist at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, died Sept. 30. Hudson was the first chief medical examiner...