ECU social work professor to present ‘Boundary Dilemmas’
East Carolina University professor Margaret Arnd-Caddigan in the School of Social Work will present “Boundary Dilemmas” from noon to 2 p.m. March 13 in the ECU Heart Institute as part...
East Carolina University professor Margaret Arnd-Caddigan in the School of Social Work will present “Boundary Dilemmas” from noon to 2 p.m. March 13 in the ECU Heart Institute as part...
Former Allied Health dean Dr. Ronald Lewis Thiele died Feb. 19 in Santa Rosa, Calif. Thiele served as dean of the School of Allied Health for 25 years, building excellence...
East Carolina University professor Dr. Kenneth R. Wilson was honored Feb. 22 with the 2013 North Carolina Sociological Association’s Award for Contributions to Sociology Wilson is professor of sociology and...
Faculty in the ECU College of Business have reported the following recent publications: Articles by Haozhe Chen, Marketing and Supply Chain Management: “Logistics Service Orientation: An Integrated Strategy to Build...
Faculty from the College of Business have reported the following publications: An article by accounting professor Denise E. Dickens, “Knowledge transfer among experts: lessons from audit partner rotation” appeared in...
ECU librarians Carolyn Willis, Jeanne Hoover and Clark Nall received notification that their poster presentation proposal was selected for this year's ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) 2013 Conference...
Tom Crawford, associate professor in the East Carolina University Department of Geography, has been awarded a 2012-2013 Fulbright Scholar grant to conduct research. Crawford will spend the spring semester in...
East Carolina University kinesiology professor Dr. Melanie Sartore-Baldwin edited and authored two chapters in "Sexual Minorities in Sports: Prejudice at Play," available at Sartore-Baldwin wrote the chapters "Gender, Sexuality...
Sandra May received the second of two 2012 Housekeeping Supervisor Awards for Excellence, for service. Allen Acklin received the first award in July.
The Organization of African American Staff at East Carolina University conducted its 4th annual toy drive in December to collect items for children of local families in need. The...