Education Archives

Dec 07, 2011

New online site created for history students, educators

East Carolina University professors Dr. Larry Tise and Dr. Allen Guidry have created an online site for history educators and students. Entitled “The History Educator,” the site is available at...

Nov 11, 2011

ASSISTments training set for Nov. 12 at ECU

Teachers and administrators from eastern North Carolina will gather at East Carolina University Nov. 12 to learn how to use the ASSISTments learning technology, an intelligent tutoring system that offers...

Nov 07, 2011

College of Education journal publishes Open Theme issue

The editorial team of the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction has published a new issue of the journal at The journal has been produced since 2007 in East Carolina...

Oct 19, 2011

ECU graduate student awarded for educational video ECU graduate student Ken Hubbard won a first place award for his educational video posted above.   An East Carolina University graduate student won a first place award for...

Oct 19, 2011

ECU student selected for mathematics education award

The North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics selected East Carolina University student Ashley Harrell as the outstanding mathematics education student from the eastern region of the state. She will...

Oct 18, 2011

ECU professor honored for service to Hispanic community

East Carolina University education professor Dr. Diane Rodriguez was selected as one of four winners of the “Orgulla de Nuestra Comunidad” (Pride of our Community) awards presented in honor of...

Oct 14, 2011

In Memoriam: Amos O. Clark

Dr. Amos O. Clark died Oct. 10 in Greenville. From 1962 to 1989, Clark was a faculty member in the School of Education at East Carolina University, including several years...

Oct 07, 2011

Wells Fargo supports ECU Partnership East program

Wells Fargo has given $75,000 to East Carolina University's College of Education to support the Wells Fargo Partnership East Program. The gift will support 47 students and provide five stipends...

Oct 07, 2011

Fulbright experience enriching, inspirational

By Kendra Alexander East Carolina University education professor Dr. David Siegel, a Fulbright award winner who spent six weeks in South Africa, returned to campus with an increased appreciation for...

Oct 07, 2011

ECU College of Education staff member assumes leadership role

Zone Three of the North Carolina East District of Optimist International has elected Lou Anna Hardee as Lt. Governor for 2011-2012.  She was installed at the organization’s annual convention in...