Community Engagement Archives

Johanne Hyde exercises at the ECU Fitness, Instruction, Testing and Training Building. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Nov 06, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward


Babies with less fat, strong hearts, better metabolism and healthy cells are the benefits of exercise by pregnant women, according to research at East Carolina University. Linda May, an associate...

Nov 06, 2023
  • Spaine Stephens

Dental students create oral care video for caretakers of pediatric ventilator patients

For two students in East Carolina University’s School of Dental Medicine, a passion for serving patients who need special care shines through action and advocacy. Lydia Hartung and Hope Anne...

Dr. Michelle L. Malkin, assistant professor of criminal justice and criminology, was awarded funding to establish and direct the Gambling Research and Policy Initiative. (Photo by Rhett Butler)
Nov 02, 2023
  • Lacey L. Gray


Dr. Michelle L. Malkin, East Carolina University assistant professor of criminal justice and criminology, is the director of a new Gambling Research and Policy Initiative (GRPI), which will assist in...

Adrienne Steiner-Brett and Ginny Driscoll, assistant professors of music therapy, along with Pitt County Group Homes Foundation President Jacob Parrish and Executive Director Mary Grace Bright receive a plaque for ECU’s new on-campus music therapy clinic. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Nov 02, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


Crowdfunding instrumental to program's success A crowdfunding campaign to raise $20,000 kicks off Nov. 1 to help fulfill the vision for the new music therapy clinic in East Carolina University’s...

Nov 02, 2023
  • Kim Tilghman

ECU graduate Safranek rises to the occasion to open business

Before the trees began to shed their leaves in early fall, Ashely Safranek was preparing for a buying conference in Atlanta to order spring items for her newly opened boutique....

Oct 26, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel

Midwifery Grant

At the end of September, officials at Betsy Johnson Hospital in Harnett County announced they would end labor and delivery services due to “declining demand for maternity services, recruitment challenges...

Oct 26, 2023
  • Lacey L. Gray

ECU alumna engages with North Carolina community to create more affordable housing

East Carolina University alumna Catherine Grimm is using her degree to help make an impact on the citizens of one eastern North Carolina community. Grimm, director of planning and economic...

Fine arts major Sydney Cook is delving into her creative process through her signature honors project exploring typography, artificial intelligence and more. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Oct 25, 2023
  • Kristen Martin


The culminating academic experience for East Carolina University Honors College students is the signature honors project. Through this experience, students can pursue thesis-based or creative endeavor projects with a faculty...

Public health major Tyler West worked closely with Dr. Joseph Lee on a project focusing on data collectors under 21 trying to buy tobacco products. (Photo by Rhett Butler)
Oct 24, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Tyler West, Public Health

An email started East Carolina University public health major Tyler West’s journey to completing his signature honors project. Through emails from the health education and promotion department and the Honors...

Oct 23, 2023
  • Lacey L. Gray


This summer, two East Carolina University graduate students in the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences and Integrated Coastal Programs participated in a once-in-a-lifetime experience excavating the oldest known...