Business Archives

Aug 23, 2011

Accounting prof published in CPA Journal

Denise E. Dickens from the Accounting Department in the ECU College of Business has published an article entitled "Reducing the Potential Negative Effects of Mandatory Partner Rotation." The article appeared...

Aug 18, 2011

Hospitality management professor James A. Chandler mourned

Students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the ECU Department of Hospitality Management and the College of Human Ecology mourn the death of professor James A. Chandler, who passed away on...

Aug 16, 2011

ECU finance professor publishes articles

ECU Finance professor Eli Beracha has published two articles: "Momentum in Residential Real Estate," in the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics and "A Closer Look at the Value...

Aug 10, 2011

Business faculty report publications

Faculty in the ECU College of Business have reported recent publications, which include "ERM in a CPA Practice," by Denise E. Dickins (Accounting), published in the CPA Journal. From Marketing...

Jul 29, 2011

Mitral valve repair learning curve analysis published

An article by Patrick J. Charland, Evilio Rodriguez, Wiley L. Nifong and Randolph W. Chitwood Jr. (East Carolina Heart Institute) and Tom Robbins (Marketing and Supply Chain Management), "Learning curve...

Jul 11, 2011

Business faculty report new publications

Faculty members in the College of Business have reported new publications, including the following: By Joseph Tomkiewicz, Kenneth Bass and T.D. Gribble (Management), "Potential Pitfalls of Ethnocentrism in a Globalizing...

Jun 30, 2011

New publications noted by College of Business faculty

Recent publications by faculty in the ECU College of Business include: An article by Tom Robbins (Marketing and Supply Chain Management), "Tour Scheduling and Rostering," in the Wiley Encyclopedia of...

Jun 03, 2011

ECU professor publishes in Chinese Management Studies

An article by Joseph Tomkiewicz (Management), "Comparing job expectations of Chinese male and female college students," was published in the journal, Chinese Management Studies.

May 13, 2011

ECU professor quoted in CNN Money

ECU finance professor Eli Beracha was quoted in CNN Money on the financial repercussions of renting versus buying a home. Beracha and a co-author have published a paper on buying...

Feb 28, 2011

College of Business new concentration

Directed by Brenda Wells, an insurance expert who holds a Ph.D. in risk management and insurance from the University of Georgia, ECU’s risk management and insurance concentration is a direct...