ECU Now Blog Archives

Jan 27, 2011

Tuthill fits the bill

Lynn Tuthill applies her energy, time and creativity toward her volunteer work for District 65 in the State Employees Association of North Carolina. She is a remittance specialist in the Clinical Financial Services Department for the Brody School of Medicine...

Jan 27, 2011

Cola Contract

ECU officials have awarded exclusive pouring rights to Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated, after reviewing request for proposal responses submitted to the university. (Read more... )...

Jan 27, 2011

Faculty Authors

The inaugural program at J.Y. Joyner Library honoring faculty members who published books during the previous year recognized 38 faculty members. ...

Jan 27, 2011

New Croatan

Former ECU students who remember the Croatan will be surprised to learn where they used to pop in for a soft drink has been replaced with a building housing two full-service restaurants. (Read more...)...

Jan 27, 2011

Honoring MLK

Honoring MLK: A candlelight vigil and march held on campus Jan. 17 honored the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday at ECU. (Read more...)...

Jan 27, 2011

Marathon Honeymoon

Jim and Amy Kearns had their dream wedding two years and decided to save up for their dream wedding trip. Their plans were delayed slightly by a move down to North Carolina for his new job at East Carolina University....

Jan 24, 2011

Polar Bear Plunge

ECU students respond to the frigid waters during the annual Polar Bear Plunge Jan. 20....

Jan 20, 2011

Cancer drug trials

A potential treatment for many ovarian, breast, cervical and other cancers has entered clinical testing....

Jan 20, 2011

Music faculty on podcasts

ECU School of Music faculty performances and commentary are featured on podcasts linked from the university homepage....

Jan 07, 2011

Reading/Language Arts Conference set for February

The ECU College of Education will host the 29th annual Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference Feb. 7....