Arts and Sciences Archives

Mar 30, 2021
  • Crystal Baity


East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine is one of the nation’s most diverse medical schools according to a new ranking. In addition, Brody was ranked among the best in...

Mar 26, 2021
  • Jules Norwood


When MTV launched in 1981 with “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles, it was billed as a 24-hour video jukebox, and the success of that format showed that...

Mar 18, 2021
  • Lacey L. Gray

ECU Voyages season concludes with discussion of zombies, sports, cola, climate science

East Carolina University’s Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences concludes its virtual 2020-21 season of the Voyages of Discovery Series with a free, livestreamed event featuring Dr. Marshall Shepherd,...

Mar 15, 2021
  • Julie Roman


East Carolina University’s Diversity and Inclusion awards reflect the importance of creating an equitable and respectful environment among faculty, staff and students. Under the guidance of LaKesha Alston Forbes, associate...

Thank You Dr. Ron Mitchelson, Interim Chancellor. #ThanksRonM
Mar 04, 2021
  • Jules Norwood


As Interim Chancellor Ron Mitchelson prepares to hand over the helm to East Carolina University’s 12th chancellor, Dr. Philip Rogers, he said he is grateful for the opportunity to lead...

Mar 03, 2021
  • Matt Smith


East Carolina University faculty were honored Tuesday at the university’s fifth annual Research & Scholarship Awards. The awards recognized a pair of Five-Year Research & Creative Activity Award winners from...

Mar 03, 2021
  • Matt Smith


From the smallest particles beneath her feet to the largest ecological processes in eastern North Carolina, Ariane Peralta is studying it all to figure out how environmental changes affect the...

Mar 03, 2021
  • Lacey L. Gray

ECU hosts Hostile Terrain 94, highlighting humanitarian crisis at U.S.-Mexico border

East Carolina University is co-hosting Hostile Terrain 94, a set of global events occurring in more than 150 cities that illuminate the humanitarian crisis occurring at the United States and...

Mar 01, 2021
  • Crystal Baity

Student: Noah MacKay

A fascination with astronomy and the mysteries of the universe pushed Noah MacKay far beyond stargazing. Now in his first year in East Carolina University’s graduate program in physics, MacKay...

Feb 24, 2021
  • Lacey L. Gray


Each year, faculty and staff of East Carolina University’s Department of English, housed in the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, recruit and mentor a diverse population of students....