Alumni Archives

Mar 15, 2019
  • Robin Mayo

ECU alum reunited with class ring 13 years after it went missing

Thirteen years ago, Dama Dupree ’01 took the ECU class ring off her finger and handed it to some of her high school students when they asked to see it....

Set in 1962,
Feb 25, 2019
  • Erin Ward


At his Oscars watch party on Sunday, East Carolina University alumnus Von Lewis eagerly awaited the award for best picture. When it was announced that “Green Book” had won, he...

Feb 21, 2019
  • Robin Mayo

Study room named at Laupus Library

Laupus Library held a ceremony Feb. 14 to celebrate the naming of a study room by ECU medical alumnus Dr. Joseph ‘West’ Paul Jr. and his wife Sheri. The Pauls...

Feb 20, 2019
  • Robin Mayo

Alumni Association names leadership award recipients

The East Carolina University Alumni Association named its five student recipients of the Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award on Tuesday. The award recognizes students’ academic achievement as well as...

Dr. Mark Williams shares a hug with a friend after a ceremony for the establishment of the Travis and Cassandra Burt Professorship in Cardiovascular Sciences at the ECHI, as Dr. Randolph Chitwood, left, the founder and former head of ECHI, looks on. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Jan 31, 2019
  • Erin Ward


When Travis Burt felt intense pain shoot down his left arm and an acrid taste fill his mouth, he knew something was wrong. His normally tanned face became deeply flushed...

Jan 24, 2019
  • Robin Mayo

Engineering students focus on capstone project at Cherry Point

Fleet Readiness Center East recently hosted visitors from East Carolina University to strengthen a longstanding relationship and partnership in developing future engineers. ECU College of Engineering and Technology Dean Harry...

Dec 21, 2018
  • Robin Mayo

Brody alumni selected for prestigious teaching award

A pair of Brody alumni recently received a distinguished award for their contributions to teaching and mentoring the next generation of family physicians. Dr. Bryan Bunn ’10 and Dr. Jeremy...

Orville and Wilbur Wright fly the first airplane at Kitty Hawk on Dec. 17, 1093. Photo courtesy of Library of Congress
Dec 17, 2018
  • Erin Ward


One hundred and fifteen years ago, on Dec. 17, 1903, just south of Kitty Hawk, Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the first successful airplane. Their Wright Flyer was the first...

Dec 11, 2018
  • Robin Mayo

Graduate student awarded yearlong national fellowship

An East Carolina University graduate student is one of 66 from across the United States awarded a 2019 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship. William “Chris” Thaxton, who will graduate...

ECU’s Fall Commencement Ceremony will take place Friday, Dec. 14 at 9 a.m. in Minges Coliseum. (Photos by Cliff Hollis)
Dec 06, 2018
  • Jamie Smith


Family and friends will gather to celebrate at East Carolina University’s Minges Coliseum on Friday, Dec. 14 as more than 2,200 students receive degrees during the fall commencement ceremony. The...