Alumni Archives

Fine arts major Sydney Cook is delving into her creative process through her signature honors project exploring typography, artificial intelligence and more. (Photos by Rhett Butler)
Oct 25, 2023
  • Kristen Martin


The culminating academic experience for East Carolina University Honors College students is the signature honors project. Through this experience, students can pursue thesis-based or creative endeavor projects with a faculty...

During her signature honors project, Madison Rose, second from right, was interviewed by local TV station WCTI. (Contributed photos)
Oct 24, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Madison Rose, Computer Science

For East Carolina University alumna Madison Rose, her signature honors project provided a pathway to her graduate studies. A current Master of Science in data science candidate, Rose first connected...

Soumya Kamath studied the role that memory plays in listening comprehension when learning a new language. (Contributed photos)
Oct 24, 2023
  • Kristen Martin

Soumya Kamath, Biology

If not for the COVID-19 pandemic, Soumya Kamath’s college pathway could have looked a lot different. “Due to the pandemic, the majority of wet labs across East Carolina University’s campus...

Oct 19, 2023
  • Benjamin Abel

ECU alum leads N.C. rehabilitation hospital to leadership on the global stage

In time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first graduating class of East Carolina University’s occupational therapy program, a large constellation of nonprofit therapy and rehabilitation hospitals and clinics,...

The Bryan family of Vanceboro shares deep ties and long legacy with ECU. (ECU Photo by Rhett Butler)
Oct 17, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


Many families have legacy ties and deep connections to East Carolina University. The late Maude Lena Gatlin Bryan’s life story is so richly connected to ECU that it mirrors and...

Oct 17, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall

ECU alumnus Richard Twilley excited for ‘awesome job’ as homecoming grand marshal

Alumnus Richard Twilley ’89 will have a view from the front of the East Carolina University homecoming parade Saturday after being chosen to serve as grand marshal of the Pirate...

Oct 11, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall

Faculty, staff donors give ECU time, talent and treasure

East Carolina University’s faculty and staff demonstrate their dedication to the university’s mission in their daily efforts to educate students and manage its programs. Many go beyond their work commitments...

Oct 04, 2023
  • ECU Advancement

ECU Alumni Association announces new board members

The East Carolina University Alumni Association (ECUAA) welcomed six new members to its board of directors. The newly elected members Joel Banjo-Johnson, Robert Heddrick, Angela Hill, Nadia Jones, Kenneth Nealy...

Alex Hernandez-Integrated Care services
Oct 03, 2023
  • Ronnie Woodward


Angela Lamson and Jennifer Hodgson began collaborating with Greene County Health Care nearly 20 years ago for an integrated care program to benefit patients in eastern North Carolina and provide...

Oct 02, 2023
  • Patricia Earnhardt Tyndall


ECU is a tradition for Nelson family Zoe Nelson always wanted to attend East Carolina University. The freshman from Wilmington made that plan a reality, following a family tradition in...