HEERF Reporting — September 2021
Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for HEERF I, II, and III (a)(1) Institutional Portion, (a)(2), and (a)(3), if applicable Revised Sept. 1, 2022 Institution Name: East Carolina University Date of...
Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for HEERF I, II, and III (a)(1) Institutional Portion, (a)(2), and (a)(3), if applicable Revised Sept. 1, 2022 Institution Name: East Carolina University Date of...
Could the biblical description of the destruction of Sodom be explained by an exploding meteor? A research team including East Carolina University’s Dr. Sid Mitra, professor of geological sciences, has...
A new study co-authored by an East Carolina University researcher finds that public health could be improved by reducing “tobacco swamps” — densely located stores that sell tobacco products. Similar...
East Carolina University students will once again perform live this week with the opening of “The Visit” in McGinnis Theatre. In the German dark comedy, a wealthy woman returns to...
Creating supportive spaces that allow Black women faculty to find their collective voice is important to four East Carolina University College of Education faculty members. Drs. Mikkaka Overstreet, Janeé Avent...
The continued efforts by each member of our campus community to do their part to further reduce COVID-19 risk on campus really exemplifies the ONE ECU mission. Our risk level...
How do you get a grant for your idea? ECU's Carlyle Rogers explains. For the translational research grants (TRG), the process typically starts with our Office of Licensing and Commercialization...
Dr. Adrienne C. Steiner Assistant Professor Music Therapy Program School of Music College of Fine Arts and Communication 252-328-4277 steinera19@ecu.edu Areas of Expertise Music therapy, mindfulness and music, aging and...
Dr. Adrienne Muldrow Assistant Professor School of Communication College of Fine Arts and Communication 803-360-4013 muldrowa18@ecu.edu Areas of Expertise Images of race and the effect on communication, masculinity, communication to...
Dr. Erika Johnson Assistant Professor School of Communication College of Fine Arts and Communication 314-402-3050 johnsoner17@ecu.edu Areas of Expertise Social media; entertainment media; health communication; influence and persuasion in health...