ECU Contributor Archives

May 24, 2021
  • ECU News Services

Rogers: Change of leadership announced for Brody, Health Sciences

Campus Community, I wanted to update you on leadership changes occurring in our Division of Health Sciences and at the Brody School of Medicine. Please see the news release being...

May 24, 2021
  • Spaine Stephens

ECU medical, dental students named 2021-22 N.C. Schweitzer Fellows

Eight students in the Division of Health Sciences at East Carolina University have been named to the 2021-22 cohort of North Carolina Schweitzer Fellows. Four students from ECU’s Brody School...

May 24, 2021
  • ECU News Services

East Carolina University awarded IDEAS grant from the US Department of State

East Carolina University has been selected to receive an IDEAS (Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students) grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Capacity Building Program for U.S....

May 21, 2021
  • Kelly Rusk

Air Force and Army ROTC programs commission new officers

Five cadets from East Carolina University’s Air Force ROTC program and 15 cadets from its Army ROTC program were commissioned as officers in ceremonies on May 8. In his remarks,...

May 20, 2021
  • Spaine Stephens


Sonríe means “smile” in Spanish—and there were plenty to go around on May 16, when students, faculty, staff, residents and volunteers from ECU’s School of Dental Medicine gathered in Ross...

May 19, 2021
  • Rich Klindworth

White coat to graduation: Dr. Brittany Means Lee reflects on journey

On Aug. 4, 2017, Brittany Means Lee (or Brittany Lorraine Means as she was known then) was called up to the stage in the Brody School of Medicine’s Auditorium to...

May 18, 2021
  • Matt Smith

Purple and Gold Bus Tour continues in online environment

East Carolina University’s fourth annual Purple and Gold Bus Tour saw its wheels grounded this year, but the journey across eastern North Carolina continued for Pirate faculty and students in...

May 18, 2021
  • Jules Norwood


As he began his tenure as East Carolina University’s 12th chancellor, Dr. Philip Rogers launched a learning and listening tour called Pirate Perspectives to speak with ECU stakeholders throughout eastern...

May 18, 2021
  • ECU News Services

Rogers: Campus COVID-19 Guidance Update

Campus Community, It was great to celebrate three commencement ceremonies in person two weeks ago. We successfully navigated spring semester and now we focus on planning for the return to...

May 17, 2021
  • Matt Smith


Although the fairy tale of the wicked stepmother is a tale as old as time, the effects of blending children with their new stepfamilies may not be as grim as...