Peter Makuck Featured in Poetry Reading Nov. 1

Peter Makuck, distinguished professor emeritus at ECU, returns to campus Nov. 1 for a poetry reading and discussion of uses of nature in writing poetry.


In 1978, Makuck founded Tar River Poetry, the internationally acclaimed little magazine published by ECU’s English Department and currently edited by one of Makuck’s first students at ECU, Luke Whisnant. Makuck also directed the ECU Poetry Forum for over 20 years. He retired from ECU in 2006, although he has continued to teach poetry writing in the MFA programs at N.C. State and UNC-Wilmington.
Makuck’s eighth volume of poetry, “Long Lens: New & Selected Poems,” was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize by its publisher, BOA Editions.  He has also published two collections of short stories.
Makuck’s awards and honors include a Fullbright professorship in France; the Monroe Spears Award for the best essay to appear in the Sewannee Review in 2010; the Charity Randall Citation for poetry; and the Zoe Kincaid Brockman Award for best book of poems by a North Carolinian in 1989. He’s also been a lecturer in the “Poets in Person” series sponsored by the National Endowment for Humanities.
Makuck and his wife, Phyllis, live in Pine Knoll Shores.
Makuck’s reading at ECU is sponsored by the English Department and is in conjunction with his visit to an English Department graduate seminar, In nature writing, which he’ll meet at 6:30 pm. The reading, which begins at 8 pm, is in C-209 in the Science & Technology Building on campus. Admission is free and the event is open to the public.
For further information, including admission to the 6:30 p.m. class, contact Alex Albright, Director of Creative Writing at ECU: 252.328.4876 or
For more on Makuck, visit