Hurricane workshop set for May 28

East Carolina University and the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management are hosting a hurricane workshop, focusing on preparation and resilience. The fifth annual event will be held 9 a.m.–3 p.m. May 28 in the Murphy Center at ECU’s Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.

The free workshop is open to anyone interested or involved in disaster mitigation related primarily to hurricanes. In order to attend, registration must be completed at

The event will feature a 60th anniversary retrospective of Hurricane Hazel, the devastating storm that slammed the North Carolina coast in 1954.

North Carolina Emergency Management Director Mike Sprayberry will lead the event, beginning with an update on North Carolina’s Coastal Regional Evacuation and Sheltering plan.

Speakers from local, state, and national agencies, the media and academia will include:

  • Jason Glazener, community planner with the Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers, speaking about projects related to evacuation.
  • Jamie Rhome, unit leader of the National Hurricane Center Storm Surge, demonstrating hurricane forecasting improvement projects.
  • Anuradha Mukherji, ECU assistant professor of geography, discussing results of her recent research on building local resilience.
  • John Cole, National Weather Service (NWS) Warning Coordination meteorologist at the forecast office in Newport, and Steve Pfaff of NOAA and the NWS Storm Ready Program, presenting the Hurricane Hazel retrospective, part of a series of events leading up to the Oct. 15 anniversary of the storm.
  • Skip Waters, chief meteorologist at WCTI, and Nate Johnson, meteorologist and executive producer for WRAL, discussing the roles of traditional and social media in forecasting and informing the public about weather hazards.
  • John Dorman, director, and Ken Ashe, assistant director, of the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping program highlighting impacts of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012.

Lunch will be provided to registered attendees.

The event is hosted by the N.C. Division of Emergency Management and ECU’s Center for Natural Hazards Research, and co-sponsored by North Carolina Sea Grant.

For more information about the event, contact Donna Kain at, or Christopher Jackson at For additional registration information, visit