Diversity seminar set for Nov. 17
The East Carolina University Office of Equity, Diversity and Community Relations is sponsoring a diversity seminar beginning at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 17 at Mendenhall Student Center.
The seminar will focus on improving institutional climate with a keynote address on “Microaggressions in the Workplace and Classroom,” by Columbia University professor Dr. Derald Wing Sue. Sue is author of “Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation.
Microaggressions are intentional or unintentional verbal behavioral or environmental derogatory slights and indignities towards targeted persons or groups based on race, gender or sexual orientation.
The seminar will begin with a session on “Removing the Barriers to Faculty Diversity,” facilitated by Dr. JoAnn Moody, author of “Faculty Diversity: Problems and Solutions.” Sue will present the keynote address at noon and facilitate a 2 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. session on “Facilitating Difficulty Dialogues in the Workplace.”
Lunch will be provided by the Office of Equity, Diversity and Community Relations.
Session participants will be eligible to submit a proposal for the 2011 – 2012 EDC mini-grant program. Registration is available through the University Training link on ECU OneStop.